
Stakataka Raid Duo Guide

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Tier 5 Raid Boss Guides

Doable at trainer level 30 with optimized counters or weather boost

HP15,000 ATK168.33 DEF235.50
CP Range
Lvl 20 1799 - 1882 Lvl 25 2249 - 2353

Notable Weather

Boosts Boss's Moves Boosts Counters' Moves
Snow, Sunny / Clear, Partly Cloudy Sunny / Clear, Rain, Cloudy

Fast Move Difficulty

Move Difficulty
Take Down Intermediate
Rock Throw Intermediate

Charge Move Difficulty

Move Difficulty
Bulldoze Intermediate
Flash Cannon Easy
Stone Edge Intermediate


Stakataka is a defensive behemoth, to the point where it has one of highest Defense stats in the game. This alone means that Stakataka should be one of the absolute hardest raids in the game, thanks to its phenomenal 298 Defense combined with the15,000 HP that it gets as a Tier 5 raid boss. However, being double-weak to two of the strongest types in the game seriously hinders it, to the point where it can be duoed with relative ease.


Team composition

  • The types that counter Stakataka are Ground, Fighting, and Water.

    • Ground is the strongest counter-type into Stakataka thanks to the sheer power of Primal Groudon, though the other top Ground Type counters tend to be a bit hard to come by.

    • Fighting is also outstanding, boasting tremendous DPS while many of the top attackers of the type are relatively easy to obtain.

    • Even the top Water types fall behind Ground and Fighting Types here due to a lack of double-effectiveness, though they can still be decent in the rain.

Battling strategy

  • It's generally a good idea to avoid Flash Cannon, as it hits kind of hard and isn't difficult to dodge. Bulldoze is easy to dodge, but it comes out more frequently than Stakataka's other Charged Moves. Finally, Stone Edge hits just as hard as Flash Cannon, but it's resisted by both of Stakataka's top counter-types, and is hard to dodge, so it's generally not worth the hassle unless you know that it will wipe a Pokemon when it's close to its next Charged Move.

Raid Counter Search String

If you want to make finding the best counters for this raid as simple as possible, click on the button below to copy a Search String to your clipboard. Pasting this in the search bar in Pokemon Go will show a list of all of the Pokemon featured in this article to make building your strongest possible raid team a bit easier.

Best Raid Boss Counters

Supreme Mega Evolution Counters

Primal Groudon Primal Groudon
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Primal Groudon dwarfs the competition by every metric. This monster mutilates Stakataka with ease, and can boost its fellow Ground Type counters just by existing on its team. If you've got it available, then this is definitely the Pokemon to have on your team.

  • Strengths: Flash Cannon
  • Weaknesses: Bulldoze
Mega Blaziken Mega Blaziken
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

If Fighting is your game, then Blaziken is your Mega. Despite Focus Blast, it still hits hard and supports other players that may be sporting their own Fighting Type team.

  • Strengths: Flash Cannon
  • Weaknesses: Bulldoze
Mega Garchomp Mega Garchomp
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

While it may not have quite the raw punch of Primal Groudon, Mega Garchomp is still a great Mega Evolution that can deal heavy damage and last a long time.

  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None

Good Mega Evolution Counters

Mega Heracross Mega Heracross
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Mega Heracross is virtually the Bug king, but it's also a great Fighting Type Mega Evolution despite being forced to utilize Close Combat as its Charged Move. 

  • Strengths: Bulldoze
  • Weaknesses: None
Mega Swampert Mega Swampert
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Mega Swampert is the little brother to the two Primals, and it's... okay. It's definitely behind much of the competition, but it's still a great backup Mega while waiting for the bigger names to cool down.

  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Stone Edge, Flash Cannon
  • Weaknesses: None
Mega Lopunny Mega Lopunny
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Not the best Fighting Type option, but it definitely can put in the work among Fighting Types.

  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None

Supreme Counters

Shadow Groudon Shadow Groudon
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

The king of the non-Mega/Primal Ground Types, Shadow Groudon is the best option to pack for this raid. It hits like a truck and has solid TDO, allowing it to stand head-and-shoulders above the competition.

  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None
shadow_excadrill Shadow Excadrill
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Excadrill has outstanding performance against the majority of Stakataka's moves, though it doesn't appreciate Bulldoze.

  • Strengths: Rock Throw (2x), Take Down, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge (2x)
  • Weaknesses: Bulldoze
Terrakion Terrakion
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Terrakion is a powerful Fighting Type attacker, so it's no wonder that it's here.

  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Take Down, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: Bulldoze, Flash Cannon
Shadow Machamp Shadow Machamp
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

The evil side of the old classics, Shadow Machamp has a lot of power behind it.

  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None
Shadow Garchomp Shadow Garchomp
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Garchomp is another monster of a Ground Type attacker, making it a prime counter here.

  • Strengths: Rock Throw. Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None
Landorus (Therian Forme) Landorus (Therian Forme)
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Another power-house among the Ground Types in Pokemon Go, and another top pick.

  • Strengths: Bulldoze (2x)
  • Weaknesses: None

Good Counters

Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Rock Throw (2x), Take Down, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge (2x)
  • Weaknesses: Bulldoze
ShadowSwine Shadow Mamoswine
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: None
  • Weaknesses: Rock Throw, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge
Shadow Hariyama Shadow Hariyama
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None
Shadow_Blaziken Shadow Blaziken
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Flash Cannon
  • Weaknesses: Bulldoze
shadow-rhyperior Shadow Rhyperior
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Take Down, Stone Edge 
  • Weaknesses: Bulldoze, Flash Cannon
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None
Shadow-Golurk Shadow Golurk
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None
Conkeldurr Conkeldurr
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None
Excadrill Excadrill
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Rock Throw (2x), Take Down, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge (2x)
  • Weaknesses: Bulldoze
Shadow-Sneasler Shadow Sneasler
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Rock Smash, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: Bulldoze
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Bulldoze, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None
shadow-regigigas Shadow Regigigas
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: None
  • Weaknesses: None
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
  • Strengths: Rock Throw, Stone Edge
  • Weaknesses: None

Raid Graph