Doable at trainer level 30 with optimized counters or weather boost
HP | 15,000 | ATK | 217.30 | DEF | 163.60 |
CP Range | |||
Lvl 20 | 2026 - 2113 | Lvl 25 | 2533 - 2641 |
Notable Weather
Boosts Boss's Moves | Boosts Counters' Moves |
Sunny / Clear, Windy, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy | Snow, Sunny / Clear, Rain, Windy, Cloudy |
Fast Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Zen Headbutt | Easy |
Smack Down | Challenging |
Charge Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Close Combat | Easy |
Earthquake | Intermediate |
Rock Slide | Challenging |
Terrakion was once a pretty difficult Duo, but nowadays it's pretty manageable. We have several types now that are very capable of taking Terrakion down on a two-on-one basis, meaning it's pretty easy to just pick a team that matches the current weather. This is a powerful Pokemon with a lot of utility, so the ability to take it with a small group and hit up raid after raid can be very useful.
Team Composition
- Terrakion has a number of weaknesses, most of which have very significant counters.
- Psychic is the best type to counter Terrakion, but this is primarily due to Shadow Mewtwo and Mega Alakazam.
- Steel has some genuinely great counters as well. It has weaknesses to Terrakion's Fighting and Ground moves, but most counters at least eliminate the former weakness with a useful sub-typing. In short; Shadow Metagross.
- Ground has the ever-dominant Primal Groudon for an amazing mix of DPS and TDO, as well as a few other hard-hitters like Shadow Garchomp and Shadow Excadrill
- Water has Primal Kyogre, which tends to actually pull ahead of Primal Groudon in this raid, as well as a number of power-house non-mega counters like Shadow Swampert and Keldeo.
- Grass primarily has Mega Sceptile and Kartana, but they're both formidable enough to make it a worthwhile option.
- Fighting has Pokemon like Lucario, Terrakion, and Shadow Machamp keeping it relevant, though it does tend to fall short of the competition currently.
- Fairy has Mega Gardevoir and Shadow Gardevoir to lead the charge, but it's arguably the overall weakest type to counter Terrakion.
Battling strategy
Re-entering will probably be necessary; be prepared with a second team
Dodging can help substantially
Note: "Good" movesets are not necessarily viable at the level indicated.
Best Raid Boss Counters
Supreme Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Waterfall | Origin Pulse | Best |
The undisputed master of Water Types, Primal Kyogre's an all-encompassing flood in this raid. With an outstanding mix of DPS and TDO, it easily washed away Terrakion in short order while not fearing any of its moves as none of them can hit for Super Effective damage. On top of that, its very presence on the team boosts Water Types and makes them substantially stronger than they would be otherwise, raising their viability to new levels as a direct result of the King of the Seas.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Shot | Precipice Blades | Best |
The master of Ground Types, Primal Groudon can rival the monster that is Primal Kyogre, but it's a bit weaker on average due to fearing Earthquake. It also has a bit of an issue in the form of not having many powerful Ground Types to boost while on the team, though those lucky enough to have the top Ground Types will definitely see strong performance from this titan of the land.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mega Alakazam doesn't quite have the performance of Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, but its DPS is still outstanding, and the fact that it can make Shadow Mewtwo go nuclear while on the field gives it a lot of very real utility, and makes it worth considering over the two Primals depending on the raid group.
Good Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bullet Seed | Frenzy Plant | Best |
The Mega of choice if your raid group is heavily invested in Grass Types, Mega Sceptile sports great DPS and the ability to crank Kartana up to new heights.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mega Gardevoi simply does not care about Terrakion's Fighting Type moveset thanks to its double-resistance, and it also has great average performance in-and-of itself. however, its boosting profile is admittedly pretty underwhelming, as there is a distinct lack of strong Fairy Types, and the ones that we do have generally can't quite keep up with the other types.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Zen Headbutt | Psychic | Best |
It's not Mega Alakazam, but it does sport a higher TDO. That said, it's actually a very competitive option here as it's still well within duo-range DPS while still boosting Shadow Mewtwo.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Water Gun | Hydro Cannon | Best |
Mud Shot | Hydro Cannon | Best |
The odd-Pokemon-out, as it competes with the two Primals without quite being able to actually compete with them. Mega Swampert's actually not terrible here due to the fact that it can boost Water and Ground Types alike... though it doesn't do so passively, so that's another mark against poor Mega Swampert.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Counter | Focus Blast | Best |
The prime counter if your raid group is packing Fighting Types, but Fighting Types tend to be a bit behind in this raid. It's still fine, but not the best.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Shot | Earth Power | Best |
Baby Primal Groudon packs a punch and is definitely worth considering, but it's still just baby Primal Groudon in this raid for the most part
Supreme Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Nothing, and I mean nothing, can quite match up to Shadow Mewtwo. This thing stands head-and-shoulders above the competition in terms of DPS, and its TDO is still very high thanks in part to not having to particularly worry about any of Terrakion's moves, even resisting its Fighting Type movesets. If you've got one or more of this monster raised, then don't forget to bring them to make quick work of Terrakion.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bullet Punch | Meteor Mash | Best |
Another extremely powerful counter to Terrakion, Shadow Metagross is a bit of a mixed-bag when compared to the full-package that is Shadow Mewtwo. This is due to the fact that it's weak to Earthquake and takes neutral damage from Terrakion's Fighting Type moves, but as a trade-off it resists Terrakion's Rock Type moves, making it a great way to balance out a team with outstanding neutral performance regardless of the situation.
Good Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
It's not Shadow Mewtwo, but it's still a great attacker with strong average performance. Don't hesitate to bring the old-fashioned variety of this genetic monster in the absence of its corrupted variant.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Slap | Scorching Sands | Best |
This monster-mole is frail and really, really doesn't like Fighting Type moves or Earthquake, but it's a pro at countering Terrakion's Rock Type moveset thanks to its double-resistance. It's worth noting that Metal Claw is a bit stronger, than Mud Slap, but Mud Slap is the better option if you're packing Primal Groudon or a teammate is bringing it or Mega Garchomp to the fight.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Razor Leaf | Leaf Blade | Best |
The origami Grass-menace itself, Kartana cuts deep and only takes neutral damage from Earthquake despite its Steel sub-typing, though it also doesn't appreciate Terrakion's Fighting Type moves.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Zen Headbutt | Psychic | Best |
Easily overlooked, but definitely worth a place on the team, Shadow Latios has a lot of raw utility as a Psychic Type attacker.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Double Kick | Sacred Sword | Best |
Fighting fire with fire, so to speak. Terrakion is one of the strongest Fighting Type attackers in the game at the moment, so it can definitely be utilized to flat-line itself... just note that it's got a lot of self-weaknesses to watch out for in the mirror match.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Low Kick | Sacred Sword | Best |
A bit less powerful than Terrakion, but it has the advantage of not actually fearing any of Terrakion's moves.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Another strong overall option, but it takes neutral damage from everything that Terrakion can throw at it save Zen Headbutt, which it triple-resists. That's something, at least.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bullet Punch | Meteor Mash | Best |
Weaker than the Shadow variant, but still great in its own right.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Counter | Dynamic Punch | Best |
The shadow variant of the original Fighitng King, Shadow Machamp has waned a bit in recent years. That said, it's still great.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Shot | Earth Power | Best |
The dragon of the earth itself, Shadow Garchomp doesn't have the issue of needing to occupy a Mega slot to be good like its Mega forme, and it also has some of the absolute best performance among Ground Types.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Slap | High Horsepower | Best |
Best known for its Ice Type moves, Shadow Mamoswine is still definitely a worthwhile Ground Type attacker as well.