Easy at trainer level 30 with optimized counters or weather boost
HP | 15,000 | ATK | 151.70 | DEF | 145.50 |
CP Range | |||
Lvl 20 | 1665 - 1743 | Lvl 25 | 2082 - 2179 |
Notable Weather
Boosts Boss's Moves | Boosts Counters' Moves |
Snow, Partly Cloudy | Snow, Sunny / Clear, Rain, Partly Cloudy |
Fast Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Frost Breath | Intermediate |
Ice Shard | Intermediate |
Charge Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Blizzard | Intermediate |
Ice Beam | Challenging |
Icy Wind | Intermediate |
Ancient Power | Intermediate |
Shadow Articuno is a more defensive bird when compared to its shadow brethren, so the loss of defense that its Shadow forme brings is pretty significant. However, the added power also makes it a bit more threatening given its strong moveset. Regardless, the fact that it only uses Ice Type moves with an occasional raid packing Ancient Power makes it pretty easy to predict... minus the fact that its Ice Type Charged Moves give it some variability and can make some raids a bit of a pain. Still, this is a bird with a double-weakness to Rock, so it can definitely be dropped pretty quickly by a duo with a decent raid team.
Team composition
It takes 8 Purified Gems to subdue a raging Shadow Articuno. If you plan to subdue it, then figure out how many your entire raid group has and who will use them in order to make the raid substantially easier.
If you intend to do it the hard way, try to score an average DPS across all teams in the neighborhood of 100 DPS to get through the rage period.
Front-load any glass cannons that you may bring for maximum power, then anchor with tanks to stay in the game
Rock Types are the VIPs of this raid, hitting Shadow Articuno very hard
Mega Evolutions are a bit odd this time around, as the best DPS option drops very quickly while the top TDO option doesn't boost Rock Types while on the field.
Going for the top Fire Type Mega Evolutions can work well, especially in Sunny weather
Try to stagger Mega Evolutions between players in order to keep the Mega Boosts active for as long as possible.
Dodging strategy
- Shadow Articuno's moves cover the whole spectrum
- Blizzard hits hard, comes out infrequently, and is moderately difficult to dodge.
- Ice Beam comes out pretty frequently and hard, and is the hardest move to dodge
- Ice Wind isn't hard to dodge, but it comes out very frequently
- Ancient Power is the weakest move post-STAB and is the easiest to dodge, but it also comes out very frequenly
- Know when to let a Pokemon faint. If it's unlikely to reach another Charged Move and Shadow Articuno's next big hit is looming near, let it faint and move on to the next Pokemon to keep from dragging down your DPS.
Best Raid Boss Counters
Supreme Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Rock Throw | Rock Slide | Best |
Mega Aerodactyl has among the highest DPS totals for this raid, absolutely crushing the competition with just how hard it hits. However, it's also weak to everything that Shadow Articuno can possibly throw at it, so it's the definitive glass cannon. It's going to hit Shadow Articuno very hard, but you're probably going to need to throw it in the front so that it can go as long as possible without having to deal with a Charged Move, and even then be ready to dodge every attack possible.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Meteor Beam | Best |
Mega Aggron looks kind of funny in this section, doesn't it? We've spent years making fun of Aggron, yet here at the top of our recommendations sits a version of it that's lost its Rock Type STAB, meaning its Rock Type moves are nerfed thanks to a lack of an innate bonus. But don't let this lumbering beast fool you; while its DPS is substantially lower than the competition, it's still well within Duo-range, and its TDO is absolutely insane. Mega Aggron resists everything that Shadow Articuno can throw its way, and its powerful Rock Type moveset allows it to hit back hard despite a lack of STAB, making it one of the absolute optimal counters for this raid.
The one down-side to Mega Aggron is the fact that its lack of Rock Type STAB also means it won't provide a Rock Type Mega Boost to its team, which makes it a bit less effective in larger teams. Still, Mega Aggron is an outstanding option regardless of the situation.
Good Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Fire Spin | Blast Burn | Best |
The top Mega that doesn't throw rocks, Mega Blaziken hits pretty hard and resists Shadow Articuno's entire arsenal. It also gets a boost in Sunny weather, which tends to be pretty common in a lot of areas around the globe, so it can semi-compare to Rock Types in some situations... though it will always be less effective, sadly.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Fire Spin | Blast Burn | Best |
If you lack the Rock Type Mega Evolutions and Mega Blaziken, then Mega Charizard Y can help... though it's a pretty big step down in terms of performance.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Volt Switch | Power Gem | Best |
A bit of an oddball pick, Mega Ampharos has the advantage of boosting Electric Types on the field, which can be good in Rainy weather. However, it's a pretty niche option that doesn't hold a lot of merit for this raid, in truth. Its biggest saving grace is access to Power Gem, which just barely boosts its DPS high enough to be worth a passing mention here.
Supreme Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Rock Slide | Best |
Rampardos has performance that sits very close to Mega Arodactyl. That is to say it drops on Shadow Articuno like a school bus launched from orbit and filled with bombs in every single seat. It hits hard, but it's not going to last long.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Stone Edge | Best |
The Shadow forme of one of the old classics, Shadow Tyranitar hits like a tank and stays on the field for a fairly long time. It's hard to go wrong with this monster.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Stone Edge | Best |
The old-faithful of the early days of raids, Tyranitar still puts in good work to this day.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Meteor Beam | Best |
DON'T USE AGGRO-....sorry, force of habit.
Despite being sluggish on the DPS side, Shadow Aggron shares a major similarity with its Mega forme; it still hits duo-worthy numbers, and has great TDO to back it up. Shadow Aggron is very much worth adding to your team for this raid.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Rock Slide | Good |
One of the great Fighting Types, Terrakion can still throw around rocks with the best of them. It's not super-great in this raid for any one reason, but it's a very good overall package!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Rock Wrecker | Best |
Normally one of the best tanks in the game when its skills are called for, Rhyperior has an issue. While its Rock Typing is ready to rock Shadow Articuno's world, its Ground typing looks at all of those Ice Type moves and cowers a bit. Fortunately, it still has the raw bulk to stay relevant here!
Good Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Rock Throw | Rock Slide | Best |
Were you like me back when Articuno first hit the Raid scene; wishing that you had a good Omastar to prey on the frigid bird? If so, now's your chance for redemption, as this oddball is back in Shadow forme, and its Water typing grants it a resistance to Ice Type moves. It's not the best counter, but it's definitely great!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Meteor Beam | Best |
Gigalith the truest Rock-type! Gigalith hit hard! Gigalith crush blue bird's bones! Gigalith not care about ice! Gigalith think person writing this need his head examined!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Meteor Beam | Best |
This one kind of hurts to recommend, but it's good enough to be worthwhile.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Rock Throw | Meteor Beam | Best |
Auroros' Ice typing tends to be a hinderance, but here it can finally shine as it resists Ice Type moves! Of course it doesn't shine too brightly, but it's still a solid filler!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bullet Punch | Meteor Mash | Best |
Yup, it took this long to get to something other than a Rock Type. Shadow Metagross has some solid power despite lacking the 2x effectiveness of basically all of the competition, and is boosted by Mega Aggron for added value. However, the only way it's going to compete directly is in Snowy weather with the aforementioned Mega on the field, and even then it's going to fall behind most of the top Rock Types. Still, it makes a great team filler!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Rock Throw | Rock Slide | Best |
A solid Rock attacker with the advantage of an Ice resistance, but nothing exceptional.
Glass Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Rock Throw | Rock Slide | Best |
Very hard-hitting, but drops quickly due to its Ice and Rock Type weaknesses.