
Dragon pulse In PvP

So I hatched a shiny azuril yesterday, and I have a friend whose a shiny collector, and offered me a double legacy DB/pulse dragonite or his dragon claw dragonite.
I have this...bizarre shiny baby luck that I really have no business having, hatched 3 togepi in 8 months where as most I know have been batch hatching since release and got zero. So im pretty much counting on getting another one sometime soon, and when I do, I will proabably trade with him.

I dont do PvP a while lot, and even if i did, theres not much reward for winning at the moment, which is why im not trading right now. Assuming i get another shiny azuril, and do end up trading, and there is some greater PvP reward, which set is better on dragonite for PvP?

Sidente: already have a dragon breath dragonite, and a dragon claw dragonite

Asked by MetagrossMaxis6 years 2 months ago


Trade for the dragon claw dragonite. I know that you already have one, but having more is definitely better. Dragon pulse is just a strictly worse version of outrage, which has 90 power, compared to outrage' s 110 power, so if you already have a good outrage dragonite, go for the dragon claw.


I had to check this but yeah, there's no reason to carry Dragon Pulse if Outrage is available. Outrage does more damage for the both of them being 60 energy attacks.


DB/DC is the best dragon moveset for PvP by far, I'd only trade for that. Latis are better choices if your Dragonite lacks DB/DC, and of course Giratina outclasses all other dragons in both Masters and Ultra.


by kenbkk 6 years 2 months ago

Dragon Claw Dragonite excels in PvP. I am fortunate to have a maxed legacy DC Dragon and it crushes most opponents in PvP including a similar Outrage Dragon. Having a quick, powerful 3 bar move forces other dragons to use up their shields quickly or else take big damage from DC.
