Dragon pulse In PvP
So I hatched a shiny azuril yesterday, and I have a friend whose a shiny collector, and offered me a double legacy DB/pulse dragonite or his dragon claw dragonite.
I have this...bizarre shiny baby luck that I really have no business having, hatched 3 togepi in 8 months where as most I know have been batch hatching since release and got zero. So im pretty much counting on getting another one sometime soon, and when I do, I will proabably trade with him.
I dont do PvP a while lot, and even if i did, theres not much reward for winning at the moment, which is why im not trading right now. Assuming i get another shiny azuril, and do end up trading, and there is some greater PvP reward, which set is better on dragonite for PvP?
Sidente: already have a dragon breath dragonite, and a dragon claw dragonite