Draco meteor isnt really that bad, the difference between it and outrage is quite small honestly, and dragonite's got the bulk t make use of the draco nuke. Stocking up on guaranteed DM dragonite at the moment and then TM'ing them later to outrage if you feel the need to is something I know some friends who picked the game up are doing. I's a very smart thing to do, especially with palkia having the potential to come and dragonite being very good agaisnt it
Ive got a 96% dragonite, one of my very first catches and the only one I evolved that day (started playing a few days prior to dragonite's day) kept her on draco meteor all this time, she still keeps pace with my 3 outrage ones. Just be on the look out for Fast TM's, hope you dont get all your dragonite stuck on steel wing