
Dragonite with Draco Meteor

I know that Outrage is better than Draco Meteor, but during next weekend this latter move Will be granted. Taking into a count that charge TMs are the most scarce resource for me, and that Draco Meteor is better that Hyperbeam and Hurricane, I'm considering to evolve a couple of dratinis to power them up when needed. What do you think? Thanks!

Asked by _CarloB_6 years 3 months ago


Draco meteor isnt really that bad, the difference between it and outrage is quite small honestly, and dragonite's got the bulk t make use of the draco nuke. Stocking up on guaranteed DM dragonite at the moment and then TM'ing them later to outrage if you feel the need to is something I know some friends who picked the game up are doing. I's a very smart thing to do, especially with palkia having the potential to come and dragonite being very good agaisnt it

Ive got a 96% dragonite, one of my very first catches and the only one I evolved that day (started playing a few days prior to dragonite's day) kept her on draco meteor all this time, she still keeps pace with my 3 outrage ones. Just be on the look out for Fast TM's, hope you dont get all your dragonite stuck on steel wing


Thanks! Fast TM are not a problem, I've got half a dozen, and I'm keeping them for the CD anniversary.


You're welcome. And CD anniversary?

Much like Hex gengar, draco meteor tends to get a bad rep, while its not the best, second/third best is still very respectable


Good idea I think. Not only is DM better than Hurricane or Hyper Beam, it's the second best dragon type charge move, outclassing any of Dragonite's legacy charge moves.

EDIT: Random downvoter can check the DPS/TDO sheet. DT/DM is Dragonite's second best moveset ouf of all of them.


by milkz 6 years 3 months ago

Just a few statistics that you maybe interested in.

If you evolve to Dragonite during the event, you will 100% get Draco meteor. Later, if you decide that Draco is not what you want, you can TM it to Outrage, but do know that it will be a 33.33% chance to get it.

On the other hand, if you wait for the event to be over and then decide to evolve to Dragonite, you will still get a 33.33% chance to get either Outrage, Hyper Beam or Hurricane. BUT, if you did not get Outrage, you will have a 50% chance of TMing it to Outrage.

Dnite does use Draco better than say, Salamence since it has decent bulk. IMO, the only dragon that can use Draco effectively is Dialga (Palkia too but less so), because it's steel typing and bulk just does wonders for tanking. What I'm doing, is evolving maybe 1 or 2 Dnites to Draco. And then the rest I'll be evolving after the event is over for Outrage. Draco will become legacy for Dnite, so save so save some, Niantic could possibly buff it in the future.


Draco meteor actually out DPS outrage by a small margin, but due to its one bar nature, its less preferred. If you want a powerful dragon that has draco meteor, I suggest using salamence, and due to the rebalance giving it more bulk, it may be able to fire off another draco meteor. it should be a lot more viable now. Don'
t forget the upcoming dialga and palkia either.
