There may be a double-candy event during Easter, but it's not a guarantee, and in the event it doesn't happen, you'll be hoarding Dratinis for an unknown period of time. Just transfer the useless ones now. Same with everything else you're hoarding for double-candy transfer, really, aside from the really-rares (Beldum, Bagon et al) and Legendaries.
As for the uncommon critters, maybe just try to save three or four of each, tops, with the highest IVs. For instance, a L20 80IV Charmander (Swinub) is probably never going to see the light of meta-viability even if (when) Mega-Charizard (Mamoswine) enters the fray, given the high dust and candy costs involved in bringing it up to L30+. This should keep you going until Easter, and if the double-candy event does happen, you'll be able to clear more storage space through transfers then.
Honestly storage space is something I struggle with too, I think PoGo has enlightened me to the fact that I may be a hoarder, deep down.