
Clearing up storage, what's safe to transfer?

Going to make some room for evolve fodder, besides obvious mons with decent stats but bad moveset, what else could became valuable?
Is everything with pitiful stats and not listed here could be safely transferred?émon_with_cross-generational_evolutions
Assume I don't expect rebalance of stats, I do expect move rebalance and possibly implementation of some straightforward mechanics like huge power ability for Azumarill. Some completely different mechanics like pre-rework prestiging we can't predict.
PS we really need double candy event to drop all that dratinis...

Asked by SphiNx6 years 11 months ago


There may be a double-candy event during Easter, but it's not a guarantee, and in the event it doesn't happen, you'll be hoarding Dratinis for an unknown period of time. Just transfer the useless ones now. Same with everything else you're hoarding for double-candy transfer, really, aside from the really-rares (Beldum, Bagon et al) and Legendaries.

As for the uncommon critters, maybe just try to save three or four of each, tops, with the highest IVs. For instance, a L20 80IV Charmander (Swinub) is probably never going to see the light of meta-viability even if (when) Mega-Charizard (Mamoswine) enters the fray, given the high dust and candy costs involved in bringing it up to L30+. This should keep you going until Easter, and if the double-candy event does happen, you'll be able to clear more storage space through transfers then.

Honestly storage space is something I struggle with too, I think PoGo has enlightened me to the fact that I may be a hoarder, deep down.


I'm considering to transfer dratinis, but after I'll use up all my supply it'll be rare again...
I was aware that I'm rather a hoarder before pogo :D IRL I just avoid useless things at first place and when I need something I mostly get good quality things, but it doesn't work in POGO


by pipjay 6 years 11 months ago

Community Days with exclusive evolution only moves hurts trying to clear out unnecessary pokemon. Now I feel the need to hold onto good unevolved pokemon where before I would have just evolved for fun defenders or thrown out.


First off: There is definitely a limit to how many Dratini candy you can possibly need. Check that you will actually have a use for the additional candy you would gain from hoarding them and then consider how valuable is that extra candy compared to taking up your storage space for potentially months.

I'm inclined to say that yes, everything with low stats, no mega evos and no cross-gen evos is fairly safe to transfer. We could always get prestiging back, or we could get breeding with egg groups or any number of things that make bad pokemon useful. Doesn't make much sense to try to prepare for everything if short on space.


I guess I will use more or less all candies. For coming Laitos/Laitas Dragonite will be top counter, so it make sense to get more Dragonites.
I'm now at 330 candies, 70-80 dratinis to transfer. Going to evolve at least one more dragonite after event, and want to keep at least 200 candies in case of one more (near) perfect dratini.


Sounds like you have a good plan for the candy then. Without knowing how your collection looks like it's hard to give exact advice, but I'd cull the useless mons, leaving at most 1 with the best IV or highest CP per family.


Now I'm transferring every useless mon, with exception of perfect, legacy and some good iv/high cp from trips.


by daltry 6 years 11 months ago

I have two 98% level 30 Furrets. They are my 6th and 7th highest CP Furrets thanks to weather boosting. I don’t think I can justify keeping them anymore.

I probably have 5 other similar situations (Noctowl, Xatu etc...)


Well, if you do not expect any amazing evolutions to come, it is a bit up to you.

1) How easy is it to obtain a 98%? (Without spawn-scanner usually pretty hard)

2) Do you really use the high CP weather boosted ones?

I do not use spawn-scanners so Initially I save everything with IV >95%. Of really common ones I might later raise the bar to 98 or even 100% but that is really rare. Of a “useless”
mon I rather keep a 98% lvl 4 than a 85% lvl 35, but that is me.
