Go Tour: Hoenn is here, and while we've already covered how to catch Shiny Jirachi (at least as far as we know given the time-gate on that quest-line), many more people are probably looking at the Chasing Legends research line even now, wondering not only what this research line has to offer, but what path to pick at Step 2.
For those who haven't been working on this research, Step 2 is a branching path where players can choose Surskit, Cacnea, or Gulpin. And when it comes to any situation where we're given a choice, it can be a little daunting as we don't always know what the far-reaching implications are. if you pick one of the three paths, will you miss out on some big reward that was waiting at the end of another? Well, to help put your mind at ease, we've compiled the full research line, including the three branching paths:
Event Research
Pokemon GO Tour: Hoenn - Chasing LegendsStep 1
Task | Reward |
Power-Up Pokemon 15 Times | |
Rewards | |
Step 2
Branching Step 2: Choose Surskit
Event Research
Chasing Legends: Choose SurskitBranching Step 2: Choose Gulpin
Event Research
Chasing Legends: Choose GulpinBranching Step 2: Choose Cacnea
Event Research
Chasing Legends: Choose CacneaEvent Research
Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn - Chasing LegendsStep 3
Task | Reward |
Spin 15 Poké Stops and Gyms |
Max CP: 762
Walk 1km |
Max CP: 997
Catch 10 Fire, Grass, or Ground-type Pokémon |
Max CP: 546
Catch Groudon |
Max CP: 759
Rewards | |
Step 4
Task | Reward |
Spin 15 Poké Stops and Gyms |
Max CP: 726
Walk 1km |
Max CP: 997
Catch 10 Water, Electric or Bug-type Pokemon |
Max CP: 629
Catch Kyogre |
Max CP: 759
Rewards | |
Step 5
Task | Reward |
Activate Primal Reversion | |
Defeat a Team Rocket Leader | |
Rewards | |
Step 6
Task | Reward |
Claim Reward | |
Rewards | |
Max CP: 523
As should be obvious from the above, the choice is actually pretty inconsequential. Each of the three branching paths re-merge into the same line at Step 3, and the only difference is which Pokemon you're catching/required to catch at Step 2. And since Swalot, Masquerain, and Cacturne aren't exactly high-priority Pokemon, this choice has no real consequences regardless of which branch you may pick. So pick whichever of the three you prefer, but definitely get this line completed by the end of the event! 200 Primal energy for both Groudon and Kyogre is huge, and literally takes care of half of the required energy to unlock these ancient beasts!
So how far have you gotten in this research, and what are your best catches so far? Let us know in the comments so that we can all compare our trophies for the day!