HP | 15,000 | ATK | 230.76 | DEF | 165.96 |
CP Range | |||
Lvl 20 | 2260 - 2353 | Lvl 25 | 2826 - 2941 |
Notable Weather
Boosts Boss's Moves | Boosts Counters' Moves |
Snow, Sunny / Clear, Fog, Partly Cloudy | Snow, Rain, Partly Cloudy |
Fast Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Bite | Intermediate |
Steel Wing | Intermediate |
Rock Throw | Intermediate |
Charge Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Ancient Power | Intermediate |
Hyper Beam | Easy |
Iron Head | Challenging |
Rock Slide | Intermediate |
Earth Power | Challenging |
Mega Aerodatyl can be a straight-up pain in the neck. It hits hard, has enough Defense to be fairly bulky as a raid boss, and has solid coverage that can leave even the top counters in an awkward position at times. To offset this, it also has a plethora of weaknesses to exploit, meaning it's easy to adapt to for players who have a large raid-base of Pokemon to draw from. Overall, this raid shouldn't be terribly difficult for teams of experienced players or a raid group that's just prepared to keep throwing bodies at everyone's favorite flying rock until it drops.
Note that a Duo is definitely doable here, but will have far more stringent requirements. This guide will focus on the far easier to achieve trio.
Team Composition
- Front-load your glass cannons and high-DPS options for maximum efficiency
- Talk with your raid group and try to figure out the best Mega Evolutions for your team. Also, try to stagger Mega Evolutions if possible to maximize team benefits from their boosts
- Either that or have everyone use a team consisting of nothing but Mega Evolutions for maximum DPS, then heal up and re-enter after fainting.
- Pay attention to the recommended Pokemon to get an idea for what attacks it may be packing.
- Bite is a threat to Metagross in particular, though not super-threatening to anything else.
- Rock Throw and Rock Slide are dangerous for any Ice Types that you may be using
- Ancient Power is similar to Rock Slide with two exceptions: it's easier to dodge, but will be used more frequently
- Iron Head is dangerous to Ice and Rock Type counters
- Hyper Beam is the least dangerous move, as it comes out infrequently and is easy to dodge. Just note that if you fail to dodge and it manages to hit a non-resistant counter, it will deal brutal damage!
- Tank counters can be helpful for staying in the game, but they're generally not recommended for Mega Raids, as the Mega Energy rewards from the raid boss will lessen as time goes on
- Be prepared to either heal up quickly if your team faints out, or have a second team ready.
Battling Strategy
- Dodging is generally good idea, especially if Aerodactyl has a Super Effective Charged Move.
- Always try to dodge Hyper Beam, though taking the hit for faster energy generation can be a viable strategy for Pokemon that resist it and have near full health at the time of its use.
- Know when to let a Pokemon faint! If you're using a Pokemon with a single-bar move that will faint if it takes the next charged hit, consider if it's likely to get to its charged move before it naturally faints to Fast Moves. If it's on death's door, then simply continue attacking and let it faint to keep up maximum DPS.
- Mega Evolutions may be exempt from this concept if they are providing STAB boosts to multiple other raiders
Statistical Information
- General per-Pokemon DPS Requirements:
- Duo: 25 DPS
- Trio: 16.67 DPS
For general specifics on Pokemon performance for this raid, please consider taking a look at the Mega Aerodactyl Raid Counters Guide or our Comprehensive DPS/TDO Spreadsheet for more information.
Best Raid Boss Counters
Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Water Gun | Hydro Cannon | Best |
The strongest counter currently available Mega Evolution for this raid, Mega Swampert hits like a truck and resists everything save Hyper Beam, Earth Power, and Bite. In general, prioritize this monster if you intend to take on Mega Aerodactyk,

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Fang | Wild Charge | Best |
The highest DPS Electric Type counter, Mega Manectric is a very solid choice for this raid, especially if your raid group is bringing a lot of Electric Types. Just watch out for Earth Power, and this is definitely one of the best Mega Evolutions that you can bring.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
While not quite as powerful due to lower DPS and a lack of a Rock resistance, Mega Blastoise is still an outstanding pick that can put in serious work.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Rock Throw | Rock Slide | Best |
The mirror-match is king if your raid group is bringing a bunch of Rock Type attackers, especially when it's Partly Cloudy. Not the best counter, but definitely optimal given the proper situation.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Frost Breath | Avalanche | Best |
The top Ice Type option for this raid, Mega Glalie is... not a great option. It's pretty frail here, especially thanks to its Rock Type weakness, and its DPS is comparatively low. Honestly, the only time that Mega Glalie is genuinely worth using is when it's snowing and/or when your entire raid group is packing Mamoswine/Shadow Mamoswine.
Supreme Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bullet Punch | Meteor Mash | Best |
The undisputed king of the DPS chart, Shadow Metagross hits like a truck and resists a good portion of Mega Aerodactyl's moves. It doesn't like Bite or Earth Power, but it's still the must-use if you're lucky enough to have a good one.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Discharge | Best |
Xurkitree retains the title of Electric king. It absolutely fries Mega Aerodactyl, but it is pretty frail, especially against Earth Power.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Wild Charge | Best |
The once-and-former king of Electric Types, Shadow Electivire is about on a par with Xurkitree, but a bit weaker overall.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Powder Snow | Avalanche | Best |
If you want an Ice Type counter, then this is your Pokemon. Shadow Mamoswine is a very solid counter for this raid thanks to its solid DPS and the fact that its Ground typing removes Ice's weakness to Rock Type attacks. Just watch out for Iron Head.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Wild Charge | Best |
The fallen Electric Type, Shadow Raikou has seen better days but is still a good counter in its own right.
Good Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Spark | Wild Charge | Best |
Shadow Magnezone has great overall performance for this raid thanks to its great dual-typing. It will last a good long time and pump out great damage... so long as Mega Aerodactyl isn't packing Earth Power.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Water Gun | Hydro Cannon | Best |
The top overall Water Type counter, Mega Swampert hits hard and has a laundry-list of resistances, fearing nothing that Shadow Aerodactyl can throw at it.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
It's easy to overlook, but Shadow Feraligatr is actually a very strong Water Type, even though it doesn't sport the Rock Type resistance that Shadow Swampert has.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bullet Punch | Meteor Mash | Best |
While Shadow Metagross is king, normal Metagross is still very solid in its own right.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Psycho Cut | Ice Beam | Best |
Psycho Cut | Thunderbolt | Best |
Yet another case of Shadow Mewtwo's sheer power giving it a solid place despite its lack of a Super Effective Fast Move and STAB. Just watch out for Bite.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Charge Beam | Fusion Bolt | Best |
Charge Beam | Wild Charge | Best |
Fusion Bolt has the stronger performance, but Wild Charge has more flexibility, making it a good option as well. Of course, the top option is to run both at the same time and switch from Fusion Bolt to Wild Charge when low on HP in order to squeeze every bit of DPS out of it possible.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Stone Edge | Best |
Shadow Tyranitar is a strong Pokemon, and is one of the few Pokemon on this list that resists Bite. Just beware of Earth Power and Iron Head.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Waterfall | Hydro Pump | Best |
A bit on the weak side for a Shadow, Shadow Gyarados doesn't like Rock Type attacks. On the bright side, it double-resists Earth Power.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Waterfall | Hydro Pump | Best |
A good middle-of-the-road counter, Kyogre has solid performance and is one of the better Water Type counters for this raid.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Powder Snow | Avalanche | Best |
The best Ice Type counter outside of its Shadow forme.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Wild Charge | Best |
A vanilla Electric Type counter, Raikou is all-around decent and worth using to fill out your team.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Rock Wrecker | Best |
A strong Rock Type attacker, Rhyperior is a great option so long as it's not facing Iron Head or Earth Power.
Glass Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Thunderbolt | Best |
While it doesn't like Rock Type movesets, Shadow Zapdos is a great choice for other movesets, especially Iron Head and Earth Power.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Rock Slide | Best |
Hard-hitting but frail, Rampardos can put in work... just be ready to dodge.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Volt Switch | Thunderbolt | Best |
Basically the same case as Shadow Zapdos, but with a bit less power.
Tank Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Metal Claw | Iron Head | Best |
Low on the DPS charts, Dialga's main reason to join a team is its staying-power thanks in part to its many resistances. Just watch out for Earth Power!