Understanding Move Classifications
Here on Gamepress, we use a few different classifications in order to explain the general availability of different moves on different Pokemon; Normal, Elite, Purified, and Legacy. These moves are color-coded on Pokemon pages in order to show players how they are available, and can be broken down like this:
Normal Moves are shown as normal gray, and are moves that can be accessed under normal circumstances. They can be known when a Pokemon is caught/evolved, and can be accessed via Fast/Charged TMs.
Elite Moves are highlighted in green. These moves are naturally available via events or were previously considered legacy moves, but are currently not available under normal circumstances. Do not try to use normal Fast and Charged TMs for these moves, as they are only available if the events that enabled them return, or via Elite TMs. Our Elite TM move list can be viewed below.
Legacy Moves are highlighted in red. These moves are not currently available via any means, including Elite TMs. These moves can be old moves that were removed and not restored to the Elite TM system, or in some cases they are moves that were added to the movelist of a Pokemon but removed pre-release, meaning they were never truly available.
Purified Moves are highlighted in purple. This move-category is exclusively home to the move Return currently, and is only available via purifying a Shadow Pokemon. Frustration is strictly listed on Shadow Pokemon pages, and is classified as an "Exclusive Charged Move"