HP | 15,000 | ATK | 233.10 | DEF | 250.20 |
CP Range | |||
Lvl 20 | 2015 - 2103 | Lvl 25 | 2519 - 2628 |
Notable Weather
Boosts Boss's Moves | Boosts Counters' Moves |
Snow, Windy | Snow, Rain, Partly Cloudy |
Fast Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Air Slash | Intermediate |
Steel Wing | Intermediate |
Charge Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Aerial Ace | Challenging |
Brave Bird | Challenging |
Hurricane | Intermediate |
Feather Dance | Easy |
Mega Pidgeot was once the top Flying Type Mega Evolution, but it was power-crept hard by the monster that is Mega Rayquaza. Now this bird is little more than a dex filler and/or discount Flying Type Mega Evolution. Overall, Pidgeot isn't that threatening of a raid. The fact that it's limited to virtually nothing but Flying Type moves also means that its counter-play can survive a pretty long time in most cases. Let's just be glad that Gust is an Elite Move and can't be used by Mega Pidgeot as a raid boss!
Team composition
Mega Pidgeot is weak to Rock, Electric, Ice
Rock has arguably the best options, with the top DPS and TDO Mega Evolutions alike, alongside the single highest DPS option for this raid
Electric is also surprisingly strong, withh a number of outstanding DPS options alongside some of the strongest TDO options to balance things out.
Ice tends to fall behind the competition, but can still work in a pinch.
Battling strategy
Re-entering shouldn't be an issue given proper team comps in a trio
Dodging Hurricane is a good idea. Brave Bird is harder to dodge and hits harder, while Aerial Ace comes out very frequently and can slog down DPS if dodged too frequently.
Best Raid Boss Counters
Supreme Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Rock Throw | Rock Slide | Best |
Mega Diancie is one of the best options for this raid, without a doubt. It sports outstanding DPS and great TDO backed up by its resistance to Mega Pidgeot's Flying Type attacks. However, it also needs to be careful of Steel Wing due to a crippling double-weakness to Steel Type moves, meaning there's a 50/50 chance that its performance will be significantly hampered.
- Strengths: Air Slash, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing (2x)

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Fang | Wild Charge | Best |
The top Electric Type Mega Evolution, Mega Manectric is the go-to for Electric-heavy teams. It's got strong performance that's backed up by comprehensive strengths, making it a universally useful pick against Mega Pidgeot.
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Stone Edge | Best |
The premier TDO Mega Evolution, Mega Tyranitar has some serious lasting power and solid DPS to back it up. And while it doesn't appreciate facing Steel Wing, its lesser weakness to it makes it still manageable regardless of the situation.
- Strengths: Air Slash, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing
Good Mega Evolutions

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Rock Throw | Rock Slide | Best |
While it can't quite compare with Mega Diancie and Mega Tyranitar, Mega Aerodactyl makes a solid backup Rock Type Mega Evolution. I
- Strengths: Air Slash, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Volt Switch | Zap Cannon | Best |
The backup Electric Type Mega Evolution, Mega Ampharos is still a decent option that's worthy of consideration if Mega Manectric isn't available for one reason or another.
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Frost Breath | Avalanche | Best |
If you're going for Ice Types, then Mega Glalie is your Mega. It's behind the majority of the competition, but it's still okay.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Tail | Dragon Ascent | Best |
While Mega Rayquaza doesn't have any useful type-boosting effects in this raid, it's still a neutral damage bruiser that can put in good work if you lack other options.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Charge Beam | Triple Axel | Best |
Mega Gardevoir has an Electric Type Fast Move and an Ice Type Charged Move, meaning it can definitely work in an odd way despite lacking STAB on these moves and providing no worthwhile type-boosts.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing
Supreme Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Rock Slide | Best |
The premier DPS option for this raid, Shadow Ramparados hits like an absolute truck, and is one of the main reasons that bringing a Rock Type Mega Evolution is generally the top choice. This thing doesn't care too much about most of what Mega Pidgeot can do, but it doesn't like facing down Steel Wing.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Wild Charge | Best |
Shadow Electivire still stands as a top choice for raw Electrical damage, and it's a very safe pick due to its comprehensive set of resistances.
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Powder Snow | Avalanche | Best |
Shadow Mamoswine doesn't have an exceptional defensive profile here, as it has no resistances and a weakness to Steel Wing. Still, it's the top Ice Type counter, so it has its utility.
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Discharge | Best |
One of the best Ultra Beasts out there, Xurkitree is comparable to Shadow Electivire despite its lack of Shadow boost and worse Charged Move option. That's just how strong it is.
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Rock Wrecker | Best |
Defensive behemoth with a wrecking ball of a Charged Move, Shadow Rhyperior puts in exceptional work... though it doesn't care for Steel Wing.
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Wild Charge | Best |
Take Shadow Electivire and trade a little DPS for a little TDO, and you've got Shadow Raikou.
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Spark | Wild Charge | Best |
Shadow Magnezone can't quite reach the DPS numbers of the above counters, but it more than makes up for that fact with exceptional TDO. While its natural bulk isn't exceptional, its stellar typing gives it a double-resistance to literally everything that Mega Pidgeot can throw at it, which helps out a lot.
- Strengths: Air Slash (2x), Steel Wing (2x), Aerial Ace (2x), Brave Bird (2x), Hurricane (2x), Feather Dance (2x)
- Weaknesses: None
Good Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Thunderbolt | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Spark | Wild Charge | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Rock Slide | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Charge Beam | Fusion Bolt | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Psycho Cut | Thunderbolt | Best |
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Fang | Wild Charge | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Stone Edge | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Rollout | Wild Charge | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash (2x), Aerial Ace (2x), Brave Bird (2x), Hurricane (2x), Feather Dance (2x)
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Spark | Wild Charge | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Rock Throw | Rock Slide | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Wild Charge | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Powder Snow | Avalanche | Best |
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Rock Slide | Best |
- Strengths: None
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Smack Down | Rock Wrecker | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: Steel Wing

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Wild Charge | Best |
- Strengths: Air Slash, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Feather Dance
- Weaknesses: None