Doable at trainer level 30 with optimized counters or weather boost
HP | 15,000 | ATK | DEF |
CP Range | |||
Lvl 20 | 2758 - 2861 | Lvl 25 | 3448 - 3577 |
Notable Weather
Fast Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Zen Headbutt | Intermediate |
Dragon Breath | Intermediate |
Charge Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Dragon Claw | Challenging |
Solar Beam | Easy |
Psychic | Intermediate |
Mega Latios is one of the better Dragon Type Mega Evolutions not named Mega Rayquaza in the game despite its less-than-stellar Dragon Type moveset, but taking this Legendary Mega Evolution down can be a bit tricky. It hits hard and has a few dangerous attacks, but it also has a number of Pokemon that can counter it fairly hard if played to their strengths. All-in-all, it's not a hard Trio, but it will require a good raid group to get it done at that level.
Team composition
Mega Evolutions can be very important. In this role, Mega Rayquaza is the clear winner.
A number of other Mega Evolutions score well as well, especially in the TDO department.
Dragon Types tend to be the winners, with many Ghosts acting as glass-cannons while Dark Types show up all over the DPS/TDO chart with the big-names differentiating themselves with solid, though somewhat TDO-based overall performance.
Battling strategy
Re-entry is fairly likely for a trio.
Plan Mega Evolutions with your team to ensure maximum type-based boosts while active
Note: "Good" movesets are not necessarily viable at the level indicated.
Best Raid Boss Counters
Supreme Mega Evolutions

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Tail | Outrage | Best |
When a Dragon appears, Mega Rayquaza will inevitably rise. Despite a weakness to some of Mega Latios' better attacks, Mega Rayquaza's sky-high DPS and still surprisingly decent TDO despite that weakness allows it to rule this raid from on-high. While it may not be the top TDO mega, the original Legendary Dragon's sheer destructive power is more than enough to allow it to be considered the top counter in this raid.
Good Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Lick | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
Mega Gengar is very much in its ancestral home against Mega Latios; using its powerful Ghost Type movesets to strip huge amounts of HP off of a Psychic Type. Of course, its Super Effective moves can and will also put it into its second grave, so it's a bit of a risky pick in that regard. Despite being low on TDO, this absolute monster's massive DPS allows it to come in and cripple Mega Latios in short order, especially if it dodges a bit along the way.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Tail | Outrage | Best |
Mega Garchomp isn't quite the monster that Mega Rayquaza, but it is the silver-medal holder among Dragon Type Mega Evolutions. Its Ground typing does it no favors, even losing Dragon Type's resistance to Solar Beam, but it still has the sheer power to outright trash Mega Latios in many cases

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mega Tyranitar is, without a doubt, the safest Mega Evolution for this raid. This thing double-resists Psychic Type moves, and can tank through heavy hits with ease while dealing high damage. It doesn't appreciate taking a Solar Beam to the face, but it's still a great option that's worth consideration.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Tail | Outrage | Best |
Dragon Tail | Draco Meteor | Best |
Arguably the best Dragon Type Mega Evolution to bring to this fight, Mega Salamence hits hard and lasts a surprisingly long time despite its Dragon Type weakness. This is in part due to its double-resistance to Solar Beam, which gives it stupidly good performance against that moveset. Still, it's quite literally Mega Rayquaza's lesser.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Charm | Dazzling Gleam | Best |
Mega Gardevoir is another TDO option here, thanks in part to its hugely valuable double-resistance to Dragon Type moves and normal resistance to Psychic. For this reason, Mega Gardevoir may not be the strongest option here and may have what is arguably the least important Mega Boost here as well, but it will be able to jump into any Mega Latios raid without fear.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Breath | Dragon Claw | Best |
The mirror-match works very well here, with Mega Latios having the advantage of resisting Psychic Type movesets and having a higher average DPS to lord over Mega Salamence. Honestly, it's a toss-up between these two dragons, as either will do the job extremely well.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
While not as strong as Mega Gengar, Mega Banette can still cause some solid damage that makes it a solid backup.
Supreme Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Tail | Outrage | Best |
Dragon Tail | Draco Meteor | Good |
Currently the ultimate power-house among Dragons, Shadow Salamence hits extremely hard and should definitely be the priority for anyone who's lucky enough to have a good one!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bite | Brutal Swing | Best |
Shadow Tyranitar brings an excellent mix of DPS and TDO to the table for this raid, in particular double-resisting Mega Latios' Psychic Type moves. Regardless of the situation, this Dark Type monster can add some much-needed balance to any team for this raid... though it will still drop pretty quickly against Solar Beam.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Tail | Outrage | Best |
Dragon Tail | Draco Meteor | Best |
While it stands a bit in the shadow of Shadow Salamence, Shadow Dragonite is still extremely powerful, and should definitely be brought along for the ride if you have a good one!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Hex | Shadow Ball | Best |
The prime ghost, Shadow Chandelure causes immense damage to Mega Latios. It doesn't resist any of the Mega dragon's moves aside from Solar Beam, but it's still a great option in general.
Good Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Lick | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Gengar hits hard, but it definitely doesn't last long. This is especially true when faced with Mega Latios' Psychic Type moveset, which will put it back into its grave extremely quickly.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Strong but frail, Shadow Weavile will come in and hit hard before dropping pretty quickly. Worth noting is that this is one of the uncommon raids weak to both Ice and Dark, so Shadow Weavile can use its strongest possible moveset.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Powder Snow | Avalanche | Best |
The ultimate Ice Type, Shadow Mamoswine can put in serious work here. Just watch out for Solar Beam!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Breath | Dragon Claw | Best |
Often overlooked, Shadow Latios is actually a pretty strong Dragon with good average performance.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Tail | Outrage | Best |
The true Dragon king, Rayquaza is still a massively powerful Pokemon that can put large dents in Mega Latios. Breaking Swipe is best against Dragon Type movesets, as it makes it easier to dodge Dragon Claw, and is actually really competitive with Outrage in general.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Psycho Cut | Shadow Ball | Best |
Psycho Cut | Ice Beam | Good |
Once again, here's Shadow Mewtwo! This monster is a solid pick here thanks to its resistance to Psychic Type movesets and lack of a weakness among Mega Latios' moveset, so feel free to bring it along if you have Shadow Ball! Ice Beam is weaker, but okay too.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Tail | Outrage | Best |
Dragon Tail | Draco Meteor | Best |
Hmm, it feels like we've basically already covered this Pokemon twice before in this guide...?

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Snarl | Dark Pulse | Best |
A bit frail, but capable of good damage output.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Breath | Outrage | Best |
While famed for its Electric Type performance, Zekrom is a good Dragon attacker too.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bite | Brutal Swing | Best |
While a bit low on DPS, Hydreigon has great middle-of-the-road performance that makes it worth using for sure.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Charm | Dazzling Gleam | Best |
The strongest non-Mega Fairy Type, Shadow Gardevoir sports a laundry-list of resistances to almost everything that Mega Latios can throw at it, making it a great universal counter.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Dragon Tail | Outrage | Best |
Another overall good Dragon that's more well known for its second type.