
Mega Glalie Raid Duo Guide

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Tier 5 Raid Boss Guides
HP15,000 ATK199.15 DEF132.77
CP Range
Lvl 20 1764 - 1845 Lvl 25 2205 - 2307

Notable Weather

Boosts Boss's Moves Boosts Counters' Moves
Snow, Fog Snow, Sunny / Clear, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy

Fast Move Difficulty

Move Difficulty
Frost Breath Intermediate
Ice Shard Intermediate

Charge Move Difficulty

Move Difficulty
Avalanche Intermediate
Gyro Ball Easy
Shadow Ball Challenging


Low Defense and largely predicable movesets means that Mega Glalie isn't too difficult to duo for the most part. Many of its counters resist Ice and Steel Type movesets, making Shadow Ball the lone outlier to deal with. Fortunately, a lot of Pokemon score well above the 25 DPS minimum needed for a duo, so this shouldn't be a terribly difficult fight, especially if you have the advantage of a boosting weather.


Team Composition 

  • Mega Evolutions are recommended, as a number of them have obscenely high performance for this raid
  • Fire and Fighting Types tend to rule the day here thanks to their obscenely high damage, though Shadow Metagross stands out even among them as outstanding.
  • If going for the duo, then a lot of counters score well above the 25 DPS line requirement. Aim for some TDO options to stay in the game.
  • A duo where both players just run Mega Blaziken or Mega Charizard Y and heal up/re-enter ASAP should work wonders, especially in Clear or Cloudy weather to boost Fire or Fighting Type moves, respectively.

Battling Strategy

  • Front-load a Mega Evolution that matches your raid group's starting lineup for a huge early-game boost.
  • If fainting out, dodge more. If running out of time, dodge less.
  • Be ready to let a Pokemon faint rather than attempting a dodge if it doesn't have much energy/just used a Charged Move.

Best Raid Boss Counters

Supreme Mega Evolution Counters

Mega Blaziken Mega Blaziken
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Nothing in this game can out-DPS Mega Blaziken in this raid under most circumstances, and very few things can out-TDO it either. This thing shreds Mega Glalie, outright brutalizing this angry snowball with ease. On top of that, its ability to boost Fire and Fighting Types alike makes it extremely useful regardless of the raid group.

Mega Charizard Y Mega Charizard Y
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Mega Charizard doesn't resist Mega Glalie's Ice Type moves, meaning its TDO isn't quite as great as Mega Blaziken in general, but it's still an outstandingly strong Pokemon that can make quick work of Mega Glalie. 

Good Mega Evolution Counters

Mega Diancie Mega Diancie
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

The top pick among Rock Type Mega Evolutions, Mega Diancie can definitely cause a lot of pain for Mega Glalie. It has to watch out for Gyro Ball, which will drop it pretty quickly, but it generally works great most of the time.

Mega Charizard X Mega Charizard X
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

There's no viable reason to use Mega Charizard X over Mega Charizard Y outside of potential energy cost if you don't have Y quite yet. It's fine, but objectively worse.

Mega Aerodactyl Mega Aerodactyl
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Mega Diancie's lesser on virtually every front, in part due to the fact that it's weak to nearly everything that Mega Glalie can throw at it. Regardless, it can act as a glass-cannon if you lack other options.

Mega Houndoom Mega Houndoom
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Easily overlooked in the face of the absolute monsters highlighted above, Mega Houndoom is actually a really good budget Mega Evolution, and its Fire Type power allows it to work pretty well here,

Mega Lopunny Mega Lopunny
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

While substantially behind Mega Blaziken as a Fighting Type Mega option, Mega Lopunny is actually a fair bit stronger than a lot of players give it credit for, making it a solid option when needed.

Mega Scizor Mega Scizor
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

A good Mega Evolution option if you want Steel Type damage boosts.

Supreme Counters

ShadowMetagross Shadow Metagross
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Quite possibly the overall strongest counter in this raid outside of Mega Evolutions, Shadow Metagross has an outstanding mix of DPS and TDO that keeps it well ahead of the pack. The one down side is its weakness to Shadow Ball.

Terrakion Terrakion
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

It doesn't like Gyro Ball, but oh boy this Sword of Justice can hit. The top Fighter at the moment, Terrakion is another outstanding option for scoring big hits against Mega Glalie.

Reshiram Reshiram
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Arguably the top Fire Type counter to Mega Glalie, Reshiram has a lot of raw power and a high average performance despite not actually resisting Ice Type moves. It's an outstanding all-around counter that can slot in regardless of what Mega Glalie is packing, so it's really hard to go wrong with Reshiram.

Shadow_Blaziken Shadow Blaziken
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

While not quite on a par with Shadow Metagross, Shadow Blaziken actually draws semi-near due to its solid TDO and high DPS. It's not quite the best counter, but it's not too far from the top.

shadow_rampardos Shadow Rampardos
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

If you want sheer Rock Type damage output, then Shadow Rampardos is your 'mon. Legendary in its raw DPS, it nears the top of the charts as an outstanding Pokemon for cracking skulls... just note that its skull won't stay intact for long in most raids, especially if fighting against Gyro Ball.

Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Heatran out-TDOs everything else in Pokemon Go for this raid, and has great DPS too. Well, it's actually pretty low on the DPS-side of things compared to many of the monsters on this list, but it's still very duo-worthy, giving it the one of highest average performances on this list.

ShadowMoltres Shadow Moltres
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

A classical Fire Type titan, Shadow Moltres still sports outstanding average performance, and can still cause huge amounts of damage in short order.

ShadowCharizard Shadow Charizard
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Shadow Charizard is basically Shadow Moltres-lite, but it's still great in its own right.

Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

The Jr. member of the Swords of Justice, Keldeo is a bit behind Terrakion, but it has the rather large advantage of resisting Ice Type moves while also having no weaknesses to the moves that Mega Glalie can throw its way. 

ShadowEntei Shadow Entei
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

The most vanilla of the Shadow Fire Types, Shadow Entei has high average performance that is helped by its outright resistance to Mega Glalie's Ice Type moves; a trait that many of its fellow top-tier Fire Type attackers don't share.

Shadow Machamp Shadow Machamp
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

The classical Shadow fighter, Shadow Machamp is a bit behind the competition, but still objectively very much worth using.

Shadow Hariyama Shadow Hariyama
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Basically interchangeable with Shadow Machamp.

Good Counters

Shadow Typhlosion Shadow Typhlosion
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Easily overlooked, but doubtlessly effective.

Rampardos Rampardos
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

The classic Rock Type glass cannon is still very much worthwhile.

Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

A resistance to Ice Type moves and Gyro Ball is extremely handy for Lucario

Shadow-Ho-oh Shadow Ho-Oh
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

Sacred Fire is still very much worth using, just don't purify for Sacred Fire++. Seriously; please don't. The Shadow boost is better than the stronger variant of the move.

Metagross Metagross
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
Shadow Magmortar Shadow Magmortar
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
ShadowArcanine Shadow Arcanine
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
Darmanitan Darmanitan
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
ShadowTyranitar Shadow Tyranitar
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
Blaziken Blaziken
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
ShadowHoundoom Shadow Houndoom
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating
Conkeldurr Conkeldurr
Fast MoveCharge MoveRating

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