Requires specific high level counters or weather boost
HP | 15,000 | ATK | 287.70 | DEF | 169.10 |
CP Range | |||
Lvl 20 | 2379 - 2477 | Lvl 25 | 2974 - 3097 |
Notable Weather
Boosts Boss's Moves | Boosts Counters' Moves |
Fog, Cloudy | Sunny / Clear, Fog, Windy |
Fast Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Hex | Challenging |
Sucker Punch | Easy |
Shadow Claw | Intermediate |
Charge Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Focus Blast | Easy |
Sludge Bomb | Intermediate |
Shadow Ball | Challenging |
Mega Gengar is one of the most important Mega Evolutions in Go due to its absolutely staggering attack stat, great moveset, and pervasive typing, meaning this raid will be very important for many players. Get ready, because Mega Gengar has an Attack stat that can rival Deoxys - Attack, greatly improved bulk over the DNA Mythical Pokemon, and a stronger moveset as we;;. A number of Pokemon have the DPS needed to be viable for a Duo, but TDO is a huge issue due to the fact that many viable counters are weak to Ghost. A good mix of counters is key to victory here, as is effective dodging.
Team composition
Shadow Mewtwo deals brutal amounts of damage, with normal Mewtwo not far behind. Just keep in mind that Mewtwo is weak to Ghost and is best used with effective dodging.
Mega Gengar is the fastest Mega Evolution counter available, while Mega Alakazam has the advantage of boosting the team's Psychic Type counters while on the field.
Bringing a duo where both players stick with nothing but Mega Gengar and re-enter the raid as soon as it faints can be an easy though resourse-intensive game plan. This is especially useful in Foggy weather, but we all know that Fog doesn't actually exist.
Other Mega Counters all being their own unique flavor to this raid, as well.
Weather and/or buddy boosts can make the duo viable, but TDO can be an issue
Use Ghost Types Vs. Focus Blast and Sludge Bomb, Dark Types Vs. Shadow Ball
Psychic Types not named Mewtwo are risky when not facing Focus Blast
Ground Types are viable in in the sun and Vs. Sludge Bomb
Battling strategy
Re-entering will be necessary for many teams.
Dodging is very recommended.
Note: "Good" movesets are not necessarily viable at the level indicated.
Best Raid Boss Counters
Top Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Lick | Shadow Ball | Best |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
The mirror-match is, without a doubt, one of the optimal options. Mega Gengar hits extremely hard and has solid TDO despite having a weakness to its own strongest sets. Worth noting is that this is an outstanding counter to Sludge Bomb thanks to the double-resistance! It also boosts other Ghosts while on the field, adding a lot more benefit to its utility!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Psycho Cut | Psychic | Best |
While objectively worse than Mega Gengar by pretty much every metric on this raid, Mega Alakazam does have one main advantage that's worth considering: the fact that it's the highest DPS option for boosting other Psychic Types. It's going to fall pretty quickly, but it's going to cause a lot of pain to Mega Gengar while on the field, and super-charge Mewtwo/Shadow Mewtwo to even higher heights that makes it potentially worth the cost.
If you're going to utilize Mega Alakazam for this strategy, then Psycho Cut is probably the better fast move. It will lose some DPS, but it will have a much easier time dodging.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Zen Headbutt | Psychic | Best |
Take the above points, but trade some DPS for a fair bit of TDO and you've got Mega Latios. Arguably a stronger option for the Trio if your raid group front-loads their top Psychic Type DPS options.
Good Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
What if we took Mega Gengar but made it worse?

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Snarl | Dark Pulse | Best |
Pretty strong overall, Dark Type boosts aren't quite as valuable as Ghost or Psychic. A great counter to Shadow Ball, but it will flat-line quickly if you don't dodge an incoming Focus Blast.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Snarl | Dark Pulse | Best |
Virtually the exact same thing as Mega Houndoom, but with lower average performance.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Zen Headbutt | Psychic | Best |
Mega Latios, but with more TDO/less DPS.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mega Gyarados is the TDO option for this raid, and it actually has solid DPS as well. If you put it near the back of your team, where most players will stick their Dark Types in order to anchor sets that aren't packing Focus Blast, it can actually give a surprisingly nice DPS boost to what would otherwise be a bit of a lull in damage.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Shot | Earthquake | Best |
Mega Swampert is only on this list for one reason; its ability to boost Ground Types in Sunny weather. That aside, in this raid it's just a mediocre Mega Evolution that resists Sludge Bomb.
Supreme Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Psycho Cut | Psystrike | Best |
Despite its weakness to Mega Gengar's most devastating movesets, Shadow Mewtwo stands defiantly against it as the absolute top DPS counter in the game. This monster has DPS well above the duo-range, and makes Mega Gengar hurt. It works especially well against Focus Blast thanks to the resistance, which also allows it to slot in very well alongside Dark Types.
While Confusion is objectively stronger, the ease of dodging that Psycho Cut brings makes it a competitive choice.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Psycho Cut | Psystrike | Best |
All of the above points remain here, but the DPS is lower.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Zen Headbutt | Psychic | Best |
Often overlooked in favor of the other Psychic Type titans, Shadow Latios is actually a very competent attacker that puts in great work.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Hoopa: Unbound's Psychic/Dark typing makes it one of the few top counters that doesn't fear anything that Mega Gengar can throw at it, taking neutral damage from all of its attacks. This allows it to find utility on every team, regardless of what Mega Gengar may be packing. However, it's naturally a bit frail, so don't expect it to be a tank.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Zen Headbutt | Psychic | Best |
While famed for its Steel Type power, Shadow Metagross can still put in some serious work as a Psychic Type attacker thanks to its high base Attack and Shadow Boost. It doesn't like Shadow Ball, but it double-resists Sludge Bomb.
Good Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Slap | High Horsepower | Best |
The top Ground counter, Shadow Mamoswine resists Sludge Bomb but does not like facing Focus Blast. Ground is a bit of an oddball in this raid, but Clear weather is common enough to warrant its use.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Confusion | Shadow Ball | Best |
Lunala is a bit of an oddball. It hates Ghost Type attacks thanks to its double-weakness, to the point where Hex can potentially tear it apart pretty quickly and even a dodged Shadow Ball will take a large chunk of HP. However, it also laughs at Focus Blast, sporting a tremendous 3x resistance to Fighting Type attacks while also resisting Sludge Bomb. Its performance will be highly moveset-dependant, but Lunala can put in work if played to its strengths.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bite | Brutal Swing | Best |
Arguably the best Dark Type for this raid, Hydreigon sports a very impressive mix of DPS and TDO that allows it to put a very solid dent into Mega Gengar while on the field. However, it doesn't appreciate having to deal with Focus Blast.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Another moveset-reliant counter, Tyranitar resists all of Mega Gengar's fast moves and Shadow Ball/Sludge Bomb, making it a great TDO counter for this raid. But then there's Focus Blast, which will drop this Godzilla-wannabee in one hit if left undodged, and will likely leave it crippled even if it is dodged. In short, it's basically a direct mirror to Lunala.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Hex | Shadow Ball | Best |
Chandelure is one of the better basic Ghosts in the game, able to hit high numbers while on the field while resisting Sludge Bomb and double-resisting Focus Blast. However, it's also very frail against Shadow Ball.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
We've pretty much covered all of the features of vanilla Psychic Types up to this point, and Shadow Latias is more of the same.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Slap | Earth Power | Best |
Another Ground Type, but this one resists Sludge Bomb and double-resists Focus Blast while sporting a weakness to Ghost Type weaknesses. It can also utilize a Ghost Type moveset, but its Ground set is superior.
Glass Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
It has solid DPS, but a weakness to everything save Focus Blast does not bode well for poor Shadow Exeggutor.
Tank Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Force | Best |
Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball | Best |
Take the advantages of Ghost Type and make it tanky as heck, and BAM! Giratina: Origin Forme is borne. This is a great option for those who want an anchor, but it's going to need some DPS support as it's a bit below duo-worthy DPS at Lv.40.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Mud Shot | Earth Power | Best |
One of the best overall Ground Types, Garchomp doesn't fear most of Mega Gengar's tricks, and outright resists Sludge Bomb.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bite | Brutal Swing | Best |
Despite having a fairly low Attack stat, Guzzlord actually puts out solid DPS in this raid. It's not the best, but it's surprisingly good.