Requires specific maxed out counters or weather boost
HP | 15,000 | ATK | 225.15 | DEF | 210.14 |
CP Range | |||
Lvl 20 | 2260 - 2351 | Lvl 25 | 2825 - 2939 |
Notable Weather
Boosts Boss's Moves | Boosts Counters' Moves |
Snow, Rain | Sunny / Clear, Rain |
Fast Move Difficulty
Move |
Waterfall |
Charge Move Difficulty
Move | Difficulty |
Hydro Pump | Intermediate |
Thunder | Easy |
Blizzard | Challenging |
Surf | Challenging |
Once upon a time, Kyogre was one of the most desired and hardest to beat Raid Bosses in the whole of the game. Lately its value has dropped by a fair bit, but it's still a great Pokemon to have access to, so many players will still want to tackle this raid, if only to prepare for the inevitable rise of Primal Kyogre and Origin Pulse in the future.
Note that a Duo is doable under the proper circumstances, but this guide will focus more on the far easier to manage Trio.
Team composition
Grass and Electric Types are the two types to bring to this raid. The former tends to have superior TDO against everything save Blizzard, while the latter tends to be more universally useful with low TDO/high DPS and better performance against Thunder. Be sure to check recommended counters to get an idea for what moves Kyogre may be packing.
A few Mega Evolutions have strong utility for this raid, and should generally be front-loaded for maximum effectiveness.
Try to match the typing of your Mega to the starting-lineup of your raid group for maximum effectiveness.
One very viable strategy is to have all players create parties consisting of nothing but complimentary Mega Evolutions, and simply revive/re-enter when they drop. This setup can result in very quick clear-times, especially under beneficial weather, but is a bit more resource intensive.
Battling strategy
- If possible, try to get your raid group to build their teams around any mega Evolutions that they may have available, and try to stagger them and sync up types for maximum performance.
- Most of Kyogre's moves are very powerful and hard to dodge, but a few well timed dodges on your high DPS Pokemon could make a huge difference, so it's generally worth attempting.
- When dodging, weigh your Pokemon's current energy Vs. their HP. If they have low HP but are close to a charged move, then try to dodge. If they're low HP and low energy, then it might be better to let them faint instead of wasting time on fast moves that will never see a payoff.
Best Raid Boss Counters
Mega Evolution Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Fang | Wild Charge | Best |
The supreme DPS Mega for this raid, Mega Manectric easily breaks Duo-level DPS even with no boosts in play, and is an outstanding option for a dual-Mega duo run. It's fairly frail, but it absolutely fries this whale given even the slightest chance.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Vine Whip | Frenzy Plant | Best |
The supreme TDO Mega for this raid, Mega Venusaur sports huge general TDO and still-great DPS. It's also viable for the Mega-only duo, but you'll probably want to wait for Sunny weather for that. Oh, and watch out for Blizzard!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Volt Switch | Zap Cannon | Best |
With DPS and TDO performance that falls short of Mega Venusaur, Mega Ampharos is a great "backup" Mega, especially if you know that your team's counters are Electric-heavy.
Supreme Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Wild Charge | Best |
The DPS king for this raid, Shadow Electivire has no real down-sides in this raid aside from being pretty frail. Bring it in and watch it shock Kyogre within an inch of its life.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Wild Charge | Best |
This is basically Shadow Electivire, but with a bit less DPS and a bit more TDO. Still an outstanding pick!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Thunderbolt | Best |
Charge Beam | Thunderbolt | Good |
Not quite as good as the above, but still an outstanding Electric Type, Shadow Zapdos packs a punch and puts in the work. Just note that it really wants Thunder Shock, and it really doesn't like Blizzard!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Spark | Wild Charge | Best |
Shadow Magnezone is a little bit weaker than the above Electric Types, but it sets itself apart by being one of the few Kyogre counters that resists Blizzard, while also resisting Thunder as an added bonus. It's a bit worse against Surf and Hydro Pump, but still very viable.
Good Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Spark | Wild Charge | Best |
Shadow Luxray is basically a demi-Shadow Electivire. Its DPS and TDO are a bit lower, but it can still put in some work.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Volt Switch | Thunderbolt | Best |
The first normal Legend on this list, Thundurus - Therian is a great option for getting ahead of the clock with its relatively solid availability (when compared to the Shadow Legends, anyway) and high DPS. It's a bit frail and does not like Blizzard, but it's still great!

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Psycho Cut | Thunderbolt | Best |
The classic generalist, Shadow Mewtwo once again shows up in a Raid guide, this time sporting Thunderbolt. No huge advantages/disadvantages here, it's just a solid pick.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Vine Whip | Frenzy Plant | Best |
A strong Grass Type attacker that resists Water and Electric Type movesets and keeps solid general presence on the field. Just beware of Blizzard, and Shadow Venusaur will definitely perform well.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Razor Leaf | Frenzy Plant | Best |
Shadow Torterra has a performance similar to Shadow Venusaur, but its typing switches things up a fair bit. By comparison, it has no resistance to Water Type attacks and a pretty devastating double-weakness to Blizzard. But it makes up for this a bit with a triple resistance to Thunder, though taking neutral damage from Waterfall will generally make it fare about the same as Shadow Venusaur in this case, with lower performance in any other scenario. Still, it's a solid pick in general.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Charge Beam | Wild Charge | Best |
one of the best Pokemon on this list in terms of overall performance, Zekrom has high DPS, and great survivability thanks to the fact that it resists Water Type moves and double resists Thunder. It doesn't like Blizzard, so try to get an idea for what moveset you're bringing along.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Vine Whip | Power Whip | Best |
Simple yet effective, Shadow Tangrowth is a good, old-fashioned Grass Type like Mega Venusaur, but a bit lower on the DPS charts. Still, it's a solid choice for anything that you may face, just watch out for Blizzards.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Wild Charge | Best |
My, how the mighty have fallen.
Electivire is still a great Pokemon, but its performance is substantially behind the majority of the Shadows. Still, if you have one or two raised, they're solid picks for this raid.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Vine Whip | Power Whip | Best |
If you were one of the ten people lucky enough to score a good Zarude when it was given out, then this is a great time to set is loose. As is always the case with Grass Types, just watch out for Blizzard.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Wild Charge | Best |
Remember when Raikou was the top Electric Type in the game? Well, it's still pretty solid, but it's also fallen behind a number of stronger Shadows in particular. Still, it's worth using if you lack anything higher up on the list.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bullet Seed | Solar Beam | Best |
Yet another case of "good against everything, save Blizzard". A nice filler Pokemon if you have it.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Bullet Seed | Solar Beam | Best |
The same as above, but better against Water Type moves and Thunder, but very weak to Blizzard.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Shock | Thunderbolt | Best |
Charge Beam | Thunderbolt | Good |
...wow, now we're reaching waaay back! Zapdos was once the king of the Electric Type meta, but now it's relegated this low on the list. As with its Shadow variant, it's fine against everything but needs to watch out for Blizzard.
Glass Counters

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Thunder Fang | Wild Charge | Best |
Shadow Manectric actually has really nice DPS, but it drops really quickly at the same time, which is especially bad when you're literally guaranteed to face Waterfall in this raid, which hits pretty danged hard.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Razor Leaf | Leaf Blade | Best |
A definite glass-cannon, but it doesn't pack quite enough of a punch to be a really good option here.

Fast Move | Charge Move | Rating |
Razor Leaf | Leaf Blade | Best |
Decent damage output, but paper thin at the same time.