
Just curious if anyone has used a Snorlax with Lick and legacy Body Slam in PvP and how it performs...

Asked by PokeGecko6 years 1 month ago


I've tried it in Great league, feels ok, it spams BS really fast and fighting pokemon are not common starting pokemon. Munchlax is better though, if you can hatch one.


Because it has less base attack stat so it gets a greater stat product when under the CP limit. And since PvP is TDO-based, stat product is the best way to tell which pokemon has better stats.
Level 16 100% Snorlax has 1474 CP and stats of 110/98/184, giving it a stat product of 1982000
Level 27.5 100% Munchlax has 1486 CP and stats of 106/92/210, giving it a stat product of 2068000, which is 4% better than the 100% Snorlax.
Those are not ideal IVs for PvP but this serves for comparing the two species. Of course having to be powered up more is a downside for Munchlax.


That is a flawed explanation. It is not the base attack stat that matters, it is the ratio of the attack stat to the total stats. Comparing the raw attack stat is meaningless when keeping the CP constant, because the pokemon are at different levels.

Kadabra has a lower base attack stat than Alakazam, but Alakazam is better for TDO at the same CP, because its attack stat, while nominally higher, is lower as a percentage of total stats. Not that I'm advocating for anyone to use Kadabra or Alakazam in PvP; that is just an example off the top of my head that I knew contradicted the explanation above.


I noticed that the stats he posted were level adjusted. But he said Munchlax is better "Because it has less base attack stat so it gets a greater stat product when under the CP limit." This is inaccurate. As per my counter-example, Kadabra has less base attack stat than Alakazam, yet it has a lower stat product AT THE SAME CP (which is a more accurate way to state it).

My point is that having a lower base attack stat (and he did not say "level-adjusted attack stat") does not necessarily result in a greater stat product at the same CP.


This absolutely matches my experience fighting Munchlax vs Snorlax in Great League. Munchlax usually wins by a hair. Not always, depends of course on shield strategy and timing for body slams.

The difference is very, very tiny. Some may put the argument of the 2nd charge move cost, but that's not a great argument when you need to power up Munchlax to L27.5 (no regrets on my side, though) or you simply don't care about that for Snorlax.

EDIT: Just did the math - that's 51,500+10,000 stardust and 46+25 candy vs the standard 75k+75. It's still a bit better, but not much.


by Pingo 6 years 1 month ago

I use it with Lick/EQ in ultra League. One of my best. With BS it's probably even better


I use a Lick - Body Slam/Earthquake one for Ultra and a Lick - Hyper Beam/Earthquake one for Master. Both absolutely shred some of the top counters like Mewtwo and Metagross. I can't lead off with the Hyper Beam one, but they are great tanks in a lot of situations. Lick powers up so fast that even against Ttar I'll get an earthquake or two off if I get stuck against one.

I'm continually surprised that more opponents don't use them.
