
A quick survey.

Please answer these questions so I can know what players think about the game now.
1. Rate the players in your neighborhood: what do you think of them? Give them a score: 1 is worst, 5 is best.
2. Do you think Niantic is doing a good job at making the game good? 1-Strongly Disagree 5-Strongly Agree
3. Your overall rating of the game: 1-Very Bad 5-Very Good
Please take the survey if you want and any responses are highly appreciated.

Asked by TheKyogre6 years 1 month ago


I don't think you just 'rate' these things.

1. The local players are a mixed bunch - some are experienced high level players, others are newcomers or returnees. Some play the game as an occasional casual time filler, others are raid devotees. Nearly all of them are easy to get on with and a nice bunch of diverse people, but as always there are are a couple of spoofers ruining the game for others. I can't fit this into a score!

2. generally the game has improved a lot since it was launched. It's certainly changed a lot and I like some changes but not others. They're certainly putting effort into the game, perhaps not always in the right direction for me, but for a game to such a strong player base so long after it was launched they must be doing something right.

3. I like the game - to be honest if you don't like the game I'd question why you are on this site. It's got annoyances and sometimes decisions seem odd, but then the company has the difficult job of appealing to long term players whilst not isolating newcomers. 4.5?


1. 4.5; the players where I normally play are friendly and polite, willing to coordinate raids, trades, CDs, etc, and they keep the local Discord interesting.
2. 3.5; they still need to fix a lot of bugs that have been embarrassingly long, but they've done a lot of positive things since I started playing the game, like Field/Special Research, Friends, Trading, PvP. I especially commend them for a the second charge move system (a little expensive TBH, but understandable), and for heavily nerfing Blissey/Chansey in PvP so that there is a diverse meta.
3. 4; a lot of aspects seem like chores, but overall very enjoyable.


by hkn 6 years 1 month ago

I would give Mystic/Valor players in Singapore a 3 rating (although most are nice, few bother to choose proper counters) and Instinct players in Singapore a 1 rating (too many cheaters).

I would give Niantic a 3 and the game a 4. Despite significant improvements in 2018, lag and glitches continue to hamper my daily experience.


Personally i find Valor to be the most annoying, but still I would give them 1.5 or 2.
The largest team, so the hardest to get into gyms. They can take down Instinct gyms, but it’s near impossible to defend after they get in (see Instinct below). Shaving is rampant too.

Instinct: The most territorial team, with way too many multi-accounters. It isn’t uncommon to find a gym full of Instinct or Zapdos-related usernames. They generally aren’t aggressive GRB feeders, they let the gym go down and then immediately go back to the gym and take the attackers down again.
Instinct spoofers do exist, but now they are rare (unlike a year ago) and usually they have accounts in all 3 colours.
Instinct in my area is also notorious for using sync attack, placing small mons in blue/red gyms; and slow, long attacks to drain GRBs.
Strangely, Instinct shavers are rare despite the rampant multi accounting. They will rather turn another gym yellow than to take down their own teammates.

Valor: The smallest team here, but also the most aggressive in taking gyms. There are also some who stay at a gym for hours and attack “Mystic gym hoggers” non-stop, but the truth is that the “Mystic gym hoggers” only take 1 gym for 8h 20min, and are just a group of players (not multi-accounters), while ironically the Valor attackers are multi-accounters, so they are the cheaters!


1. 3
2. 4
3. 4


1. I'm not sure what you want me to rate them by, but I don't know the players in my new neighborhood too well since I'm not in the local chat (it's on whatsapp and I value the privacy of my phone number). Most seem to be decently friendly and fairly casual. They always let me into group raids when I happen to walk by so I'll give them a 4.
2. It's a scale from 1 to 5 depending on what aspect of POGO development we're looking at.
3. Recently I'd give it a 4. Many parts of the game have become stale, but PvP has brought a lot of new excitement, need to hunt for new pokemon and to grind for resources. Before PvP launched I'd have given a low 3, almost a 2.


I'm rating them by their avatar outfits, some of them make an effort...but some of them are straight hoodie, sweatpants, visor, and backpack. I have black glasses, jogger visor, gym leader top, gym leader shoes, and now I'm pretty pleased to get the Ace Trainer jeans. I have only seen one other trainer on my list with an Ace Trainer piece and they are level 36 and seemed to be based in Russia, that one was extra stylish including red glasses and a Gengar backpack!


I didn't even know there was an Ace Trainer outfit, that's definitely a new motivation for me to actually finish the medal. Although I'm quite fond of my outfit which has only vanilla clothes from the first release with the exception of hat and other accessories.


by Sebhes 6 years 1 month ago

1. 3
2. 2
3. 2


I don't have any particular complaints about the local scene, but isn't it you that complains yours isn't knowledgeable enough?


1 - Players in my area
-Players here are pretty good. We've got some understood shared values (most of us don't take down gyms unless they've been held for 8+ hours by a majority of Defenders, we don't exclude people from Raids unless they've proven to be disruptive, higher level players make minor sacrifices for new players like NOT breaking off into smaller groups in raids to get more balls to catch the raid boss, etc.) that most of us abide by. We still have newbies, spoofers and just plain jerks, though, so it's never going to be a 5.

2 - The job Niantic is doing
-Niantic is making the game THEY want, not the game I want. I'm still playing it daily, so it's good enough that I want to keep playing. Are there things I'd prefer? Absolutely - I'd prefer that they stop focusing on Gen 1 and focus on later Gen's. (Like seriously, why is "Power Up a Pokémon" and "Win a Gym Battle" still BOTH giving out Kanto region starters? Particularly when those Starters can't learn the moves that make them actually useful in the Meta? Give us Gen 3 Starters now, so we can stock up on potentially good IV Pokémon before their respective Community Days!) I'd prefer that evolving and powering up Pokémon depended more on use of that Pokémon than just spending resources. I'd prefer that Legendary Pokémon be LEGENDARY, not "I've got 80 Mewtwo and only 2 are above 90% IV's? WTF?". I'd prefer a complete rework of the Gym mechanic. And I will never, EVER, pay Pokecoins for any article of Avatar clothing - to me that is an idiotic waste of Pokecoins. But I'm still playing the game they're providing, and still enjoying it.

3 - Overall rating of the game
-I still like the game, obviously. I'm not as enthused about it as I could be due to being utterly bored with Gen 1 and how Niantic is still rolling out Gen 1 as rewards. And how so much of the game is "Tap furiously until I win." instead of trying to make intelligent matches. (Particularly in the Gym game, where it doesn't matter if you use a Machamp against a Gengar if the Gengar is at 0 Motivation) And how much of the game depends on technology - ie: how good your phone and your connection are. (the tablet my daughter plays on can't beat my phone in PVP; it just doesn't register the tapping fast enough to charge up the Charged Moves before my phone does. In order to make it more fair, I have to essentially play Ultra while she plays Master. Then she has a shot at winning.)

But I'm still playing. And still enjoying it, for the most part.


1. Players in the neighborhood
They're a good bunch. Friendly, usually down to raid. 4/5

2. Do you think Niantic is doing a good job at making the game good?
They used to. Before the summer there was a barrage of events, interesting raid bosses, and the Gen 3 rollout which was handled very well. People complained about event after event burning them out but honestly after seeing how Niantic handles the game while resting on their laurels I'd rather we go back to that. Trading is very welcomed and PvP makes a much wider array of Pokemon usable but from the summer to now there seems to be a notable lack of QC. Shinies go unreported, new baby Pokemon have bullshit odds of hatch to push incubator sales, middle stage Pokemon hatching from eggs, everything about how the Nincada line was handled, the lack of a truly interesting T5 boss for some time - some people managed to get burnt out on Mewtwo. How does a company manage to make a situation where a previously exclusive Pokemon - Mewtwo, no less - is made widely available for over a month and have people say "Nah, I'm good"? Maddening. So currently I'd say 2, maybe 2.5 for making the game good, and most of that comes from PvP which for being the biggest addition to the game has surprisingly been the one with the fewest hiccups. If not for the effort put into PvP I wouldn't even give it a 2.

3. Overall game rating?
Same number as above. The game has come a very long way since release and has had a lot of positive expansions, from raids to friends to adventure sync to PvP. There's been too many negatives and foul-ups for the better part of the past few months, if not longer for me to rate it anything higher than 2.5 at the moment. Obviously it's not an outright 1 or 0 or I wouldn't be playing it, but I know the came could be in a much better place if more quality checking and play testing was done.


1-This is the only aspect of the game I don't like. While it is ok to do raids in my place where players are everywhere, when only a few come together and battle a legendary usually they'd fail. I've only seen a few knowledgeable players, not enough to offset the rest. So, I'd give a 1.5 to this.
2-Niantic has improved quite a lot in the recent days. Though EX raid gyms are still very hard to find, I'm not in a hurry to get Deoxys. I'd say a 3.5 for this one.
3-This is a pretty good game, I enjoy it a lot! So 4.
