
Should I evolve a Gardevoir now?

Don't even have the dex entry yet.

I have a high level (6000 stardust) male Kirlia with 91% IVs (15 attack). I also have a lower level (1900 stardust) male ralts with 91% IVs (also 15 attack).

Other options include a 7000 stardust male ralts with 67-69% IVs (5 or 7 attack), a 4500 stardust male ralts with 15 attack and 80% IVs (15/12/9), an 1100 stardust lucky female ralts with 14 attack / 12 / 12, and a 4500 stardust female kirlia with 15 attack and 73% IVs (15/6/12).

I've been waiting for a few reasons:
- all of my good Ralts/Kirlia seem to be MALE, was planning to save them for Gallade but I'm not getting any good female ones
- possible community day
- didn't have enough candy

I'm now sitting on 205 ralts candy, and am worried about a potential move rebalance making Gardevoir less useful. Also worried that Gardevoir is better / more useful than Gallade - and my best ones are male and may be locked out from Gardevoir if I wait until gen 4 drops.

Opinions? Do I evolve the 91% male Kirlia to Gardevoir before gen 4 (and have the low level 91% male ralts to get a Gallade, or the high level lower IV ralts to Gallade)? Do I evolve the lucky female low level one? The female Kirlia?

Asked by TTT6 years 3 months ago


If you're evolving, I vote the lucky.


Really? An 84% level 17 lucky is better than a 91% level 31 second-evolved form?

The lucky will take 75.4k stardust and 267 Candy to get to a level 35 Gardevoir (or 119.4k stardust and 385 candy to level 40).

The Kirlia will take 52k dust and 156 candy (23k less dust and 111 fewer candy) to level 35, or 140k dust and 274 candy to level 40 (20k more dust, 111 fewer candy).
For an extra 35 CP at level 40.

So is the argument that:
- the lucky is worth taking to 40 and the 20k dust savings are worth the 35 CP (ignoring the fact I have nowhere close to enough candy to power it to 35, let alone 40)
- the 91% Kirlia is better to be saved to become a Gallade?


My argument is: if you are so worried about Gallade, use the decent option that you won't have to worry about deciding with.

Edit: didn't realize you were the OP for some reason.


Transfer them all. 100% or bust


In the main series games evolving into galade requires a dawn stone. But that all depends on how they handle evolutions in gen 4. Without a fairy type fast move gardevoir is not incredibly relevent now past grieving machamps in gyms. And without an equivalent to dynamic punch galade won't hold a candle to machamp.

I'd use one of your 91s for gardevoir save the other for galade and the lucky for a future CD


by pipjay 6 years 3 months ago

It seems unlikely that male Kirlia will no longer be able to evolve in Gardevoir. Most likely male Kirlia and female Snorunt will have split evolutions, maybe with an item like Poliwhirl and Slowpoke.


by hkn 6 years 3 months ago

If Togekiss does not get Fairy Wind, Gardevoir will remain the best Fairy attacker until the legendary Xerneas is released in Gen 6. I use my 96% (female) Gardevoir a lot (Machamp raids, gym defence, attacking Dragonite/Salamence/Hariyama in gyms) and would go for the 6000-dust 91% male Kirlia.


If you want to evolve now, clearly the high level Kirlia. It's at a useful level already without any stardust investment and you have plenty of other male Ralts to save for Gallade.

It seems likely that Gardevoir will be better than Gallade and that it won't suffer much from the rebalance, being a glass cannon with low HP.

But you might want to wait, just in case. If you don't need it immediately, why evolve now? Males should still be evolvable to Gardevoir after gen 4 comes out.
