
Trading Limits

What is the limit on trades you can make with one friend in a day? I'm pretty sure you can only make one "special trade" per day, which I *think* means shiny/legendary/new-to-pokedex, and I've heard there's a cap of 100 total trades that you can make in a given day. I thought I'd seen you can only make one trade per day with a given friend, but I can't seem to find that nugget again anywhere, so I'm questioning if it's true...

Asked by MasterMaverikk6 years 5 months ago


by pipjay 6 years 6 months ago

Just those two limits:
- 1 special trade per day.
- 100 regular trades per day.

No player related restrictions. You can do all 101 trades with one friend, or divided amongst 101 friends.

Maybe the source of confusion: You can trade, battle, or open a gift with a friend to earn one point per day toward your friendship count. Doesn't matter the method or how many times, you can only get one point per day per friend.
