Yeah, we get that a lot as well in my area. I believe most common weather in game (regardless of weather outside) is Cloudy, it was Cloudy on most days during winter and it's Cloudy even as I'm writing this message. But that has to do how the weather system in Pokemon GO works, this is a direct quote from here:
"Pokemon GO appears to use forecasts by AccuWeather, which reports weather data obtained from various services, such as the National Weather Service in the United States. Pokemon GO assigns weather to geographic areas (“cells”) based on the hourly weather forecast provided by AccuWeather (emphasis on forecast: GO does not use the current weather). The active weather in-game is updated every hour, on the hour.
Due to the size of individual map cells and the innate inaccuracy of weather forecasts, don’t be surprised if the game’s active weather does not reflect real-world weather!"
These sentences explain why you are experiencing those kind of "issues" with weather in your area. For example that scheduled rain lasts for an hour just because the weather in game is updated once every hour.
The weather system could use improving that's for sure, but I'm still quite satisfied to it as for now. There are better things they should fix/improve first, right :)