
How are wild Ditto affected by weather?

I'm at the point in the Special Research quest where I have to catch a Ditto, and being on the lookout for its potential disguises made me curious of the interaction between a disguised Ditto and the weather. My two main questions are:

1. Does Ditto spawn more frequently only in partly cloudy weather, or is its spawn rate determined by the spawn rate of its disguises. In other words, would catching a Yanma and finding a Ditto be more likely when partly cloudy and less likey when rainy or windy, or the probability that any given Yanma is actually a Ditto the same regardless of weather?

2. Does the blue circle or CP give away whether or not something is a Ditto? To use Yanma as an example again, would a disguised Ditto have a blue circle around it in party cloudy weather, or in rainy/windy weather? Is finding an abnormally strong or weak Yanma in partly cloudy or rainy/windy weather a subtler way to identify a Ditto?

Asked by DrPumpkinz6 years 9 months ago


Partly cloudy will help spawn relevant Pokemon but I don't think it increases the chances of finding one. It took me 500+ tries to catch a ditto when I needed it the most, all in P.cloudy weather. I've caught 4 more since in various weather conditions


Should be increased, just caught one yesterday.

Now I just have to make some more Great throws to complete the 5th quest.


The blue weather boost circle does not indicate whether or not a mon is a ditto. I usually find Ditto when I am looking for 3X Pidgey or 20X Weather boost for the research.

It is also more likely to be found when its disguises have increased spawns. They are definitely more likely now than previously, I have caught more in the last two weeks than I had all the time I had played before. The trick, in my opinion, is to focus on the disguise pokemon and really commit. You have to use the best Pokeballs and raspberries since even a 70 cp Hoothoot will do a runner if it's a Ditto.

Might help to have a friend to help you scout, since they could catch a mon first and then determine if it's a ditto or not, thereby eliminating potential wasted resources.


I’ve heard and tried to ignore those that have said a 100cp Pidgey is as easy to catch as a 100cp Pidgey that is really a Ditto. In my experience dittos jump out more, if something eligible and seemingly easy jumps out, throw a better ball and a better berry.


I sleep easier knowing that I caught and confirmed that Pokemon was not a wonder/ditto. That said, just last night I had a mediocre CP Gastly that I was trying to catch for a Weather boost Research task and indeed it turned out to be a ditto (great ball regular Razz on third throw).

I was on break at work and told my coworker, which got her over stage 5 and into stage 6.
