
How to add pokemon quickly while "gym is under attack"?

After finishing a raid over lunch today, I noticed a nearby gym under attack and it had only 4 pokemons left standing and the defending trainers were feeding GRB. So I walked over to try my luck with adding my defender to the gym. However, after a few mins, a msg saying gym is full pop up and I did not manage to slot in fast enough. A nearby trainer then showed me a trick that she used that could significantly increase the chance of slotting in a pokemon under such situations. She sorta rushed through so I could not quite get what she was trying to demonstrate. I vaguely remembered her focusing on the use of the home button on her samsung phone after selecting the pokemon. Does anyone know how this works? (I am also using a samsung phone; galaxy s7). It eliminates the step to keep going back to the pokemon list to tap on the pokemon you wish to assign as the defender. Thanks in advance

Asked by kst766 years 11 months ago


Honestly there is no trick other than botting. Unless you happen to know the exact time the last defending pokemon was knocked out (it's 10 minutes from then, you can slot a new one), you can't do anything but keep refreshing.

Be at the gym, ensuring no GPS drift, and keep on clicking the add pokemon button and if it fails try again. Dump anything in and don't bother finding the optimal defender if it is constantly being sniped like that.


Is is how it works:

1) Click on the Pokémon that you want to slot in the gym.

2) Click on the home button, then wait for several seconds.

3) Go back to the Pokémon GO app without letting it being restarted.

4) Click on the Yes button, you should get a "gym is under attack" message.

5) Keep clicking on Yes until you get an Error banner on the top, you have successfully put your Pokémon in.


Thanks much. Yes, I remember that trainer did say something about not having to restart the pogo app. Cheers.
