
Berry feeding limit?

What is the berry feeding limit these days because it doesn’t match my previous understanding?

I fed 10 nanabs to one defender, two nanabs to two others, bringing all up to full. I then fed one GRB to three more defenders in the first gym. I then moved to the next and after four GRB to four different defenders, I ran into the cap. None of the defenders were me.

So, after 19 (maybe 20) total berries, I hit the cap. In my 7 day streak day, I have dropped a starpiece and then fed 100 in the past, only hitting the 10 per defender cap.

I’m confused. Explanation from the group would be appreciated.

Asked by spiffy966 years 10 months ago


The cap has not changed.
10 different mon per 30 min. Each mon can be fed up to 10 berries. The limit is rolling, as soon as 30 min has passed since you fed the first berry to the first mon, you can feed something new, or feed more to that same mon, but need to wait until 30 min has passed since the first berry to the 2nd mon until you can feed a new one, etc.

You fed 10 different mon, so you hit the cap. You could still have gone back and fed all the mons more, until each had gotten 10 berries.


I have experienced this as well. There seems to be a secondary total cap besides the 10 per defender one. I am trying to take the last 4 local gyms that I'm missing to gold, so every morning I berry spam them if they survived the night. After feeding somewhere around 20-30 berries to different defenders, I reach a cap and am unable to feed any more berries to any other defenders in any gyms.


It's the 10 different pokemon limit and it has always been there. Was found within an hour of berryfeeding coming into the game just like the 10 berries per mon limit.


by Oscarv 6 years 11 months ago

I also have hit the cap recently, and I only just entered the gym. I fed 3 berries to others and then my own one I could not feed. It appears that the berries that others have fed count towards a cap for the entire gym.


Berries that others feed don't count. You probably fed a different gym in the 30 min prior to this one and hit the 10 Pokemon cap.
