Which legendaries are worth powering up?
What's best for the short term and what's best for the long term.
I’d also add Entei or Moltres for the medium term - will be good vs the Regis.
Not sure if this is helpful but I have powered up or will power up (waiting to make sure I don’t get a better kyogre): raikou, zapdos, mewtwo, Entei, groudon, articuno, and kyogre.
Raikou is a better option than zapdos now but could easily change w a move reshuffle.
Groudon will be the best ground type in the game forever, so there's that.
Kyogre may have his crown disputed in the future but it is still a supreme option for water types.
Raikou is just amazing, but if you don't need an electric master right now you could wait for Zekrom and save your resources for now.
Mewtwo... well it's freaking Mewtwo... It doesn't have much use now but it will come in handy in the future just because of its massive stats.
I have only maxed out a perfect Moltres because it is perfect and the mascot for the best team in the game!
I don't think you should power up Articuno since it will be completely outclassed next generation by a NON-legendary. As expected from the smurf team's mascot... SMH
to oversimplify;
Weather three are good for generations to come.
Doggos except blue are pretty good for now, especially Raikou. Tao Dragons will be better tho.
Moltres is good, Zapdos needs better moves, arti will be outclassed by non-legendary mamoswine next gen
Lugia is potion efficent tank but not that significant for dps
Ho-oh has the stats but moves are unusable, except some niches
future legendaries
titans - good tdo, but bad dps.
eon couple - yet another dragon variation
possibly deoxys - too glass of a cannon
> occasional Legendary raid doesn't guarantee rare candy
Rayquaza should change occasional to never miss a pass, since 3-4 players are enough.
> Well right now Mewtwo and Rayquaza are getting my rare candy
I don't think Rayquaza deserve rare candies right now, since:
1. it's easy manageable, you don't need huge group, so in one month you could end up with load of Rayquaza candy and Rayquazas waiting for double candy event
2. Dratini day is coming, it make sense to see how many dratiti candy you will get, and good dratinis as well
In my opinion, best one of each excluding Suicune.
But if you are short on dust, recomendation from @Goetvina is best answer. ;-)
"Short term: Articuno
Long term: Mewtwo, Raikou, Groudon, Kyogre".
Personaly, I powerupped Articuno, Zapdos, Raikou, Groudon, Kyogre and the freak M2. And have planed to powerup best Ray to be my 6th maxed dragon. ;-)
Short term Articuno seems valuable but longterm it would be a waste and since Walrein and co are easy to come by to make a team of ice attackers you don't loose much for being patient. Suicune obvioisly is not worth the investment.
Kyogre and Groudon are a must. They are and will be the best of their type. Near locks are Mewto, Raikou and Moltres. They are very good and will always be valuable. If you prefer Zapdos or Entei over either Raikou or Moltres respectively you don't loose anything. Lugia and Ho-oh are tricky. Their stats are huge so thats a plus but they don't have a clear role apart from making soloing Machamp ridiculously easy.
Me personally I did the following:
Groudon lvl 40
Groudon lvl 31,5 (35,5 eventually)
Kyogre lvl 31,5 (35,5 eventually)
Ho-oh lvl 31,5
Lugia lvl 35,5
Raikou lvl 35,5
Raikou lvl 31,5 (35,5 eventually)
Entei (lvl 35,5)
Zapdos (lvl 35,5)
Moltres (lvl 35,5)
I didn't get an invite for Mewto yet apart from one that would have taken a 12h drive, but I would obviously max it out if it would be above 87% IV.
It's just my personel preference. At the beginning I maxed every mon that was worth it to me. When I reached lvl 30 and maxed out all of my mons to lvl 31,5 I realized that it won't be possible to sustain that. So then I took the best ones further up and stopped at 35,5. Just the best of the best are maxed out at 40 now. There was no im between for me. 8000 for a power up is just very expensive. So its either 91000 dust to 31,5, 145000 to 35,5 or max. With the wheather introduction I set another step at 33,5 for those caught at lvl 32 or 33 with good IVs but not that useful like the big blue wale etc where powering to lvl 35,5 would cost a bunch. Sounds stupid but thats how I wet my tiers. Tier one is metarelevant and >96% IV which will be maxed and so on...