What is the more useful pokémon to power up for, say, the next two months?
Both are the best of their type and they both have the best stab moves currently available.
But Groudon's moves are lower DPS while water moves are very strong.
Kyogre can be replaced by Gyarados, at least to an extent, having the same moves, strong stats and candy being readily available.
Groudon is superior to other ground types because of Mud Shot, but has lower damage output than Kyogre in comparable single SE matchups. G. also needs Solar Beam to compare in these matchups at all.
Groudon beats other ground types with a massive difference while Kyogre beats other water types by a good margin.
They will both be useful in Regirock Raids, but Groudon will also be useful against Regice.
(Btw there is an error on the Regice page, Ice is weak to Fire).
Overall, Kyogre seems to be the stronger pokémon, but it does not beat other water types like Groudon beats other ground types.
Given the fact that Groudon is the strongest of its type without competition, I would prefer Groudon over Kyogre, which has competitors of somewhat lower strength, but cheap to obtain.
Do you agree and did I miss something?