No where as good as Gyarados.
Salamence don't have STAB to support HP move while Gyarados have.
Moreover it doesn't have water quick move while Gyarados have.
Groudon Dragon Tail quick move can be a pain in the a$$ for Salamence while Gyarados took neutral damage only.
Gyarados resist 2 (EQ & FB) of the 3 charge moves, receiving neutral damage of SoB while Salamence resist all 3. Not too much difference here IMO.
So Gyarados with WF/HP is a lot better than Salamence.
Will Hydro Pump Salamence be a good Groudon counter?
I expect Salamence (and the rest of Gen 3 non legends) to come next week, maybe around Christmas.
How well would Hydro Pump Salamence do against Groudon?
Let me see if I can add some weight to my line of thought.
Look at all the released mons so far for Gen3.
Then look at the 'type' events we have seen so far in the past.
...they match up.
The mons that have been released (starters excluded) in most cases would not fit into any of the 'type' events we have had...alternatively if you look at what is remaining they could (nearly) all fit into one of these 'type' events we have seen in the past.
Things like 'water' 'rock' etc. We didn't have an electric event, but the Gen3 electrics are in the game already.
I am not going to claim I am the first to have the idea...but it is a theory that seems viable the more I look into it.
I appreciate the response. But offhand I'm not sure Gen 3 electrics are relevant in the wake of Raikou, Zapdos, and even Jolteon. You know this without me saying it, so I could be missing something.
I'm also tempted to believe that the typing system is intricate enough that we are free to draw many conclusions that Niantic may not have intended.