
50 coins from 1 gym

I just got 50 coins from a single gym for the first time since the gym rework!

No, I haven't been inactive. It's really ridiculously hard here in Singapore. Gyms almost always flip in a few hours. In some areas, they flip about twice every hour!

Does anyone else have very high gym turnover in your areas?

Asked by DragoniteSlayer7 years 3 months ago


They're pretty high in Bucharest (Romania) too, that's why I take up 2-3 gyms normally. I sometimes get 50 from one, but usually I get them from several mons combined. Luckily, i got a full one yesterday and am waiting for another full 50 today.


That must have been the first Pokemon of yours that was knocked out.


This was how lomg the Blissey actually stayed at the gym.


1.75 million in my city...since rework defended 3 gyms for over 70 days, 3 more over 50 days. EX park and sprint gym kinda competitive, otherwise, I have to really not play for consecutive days to not get a full 50 coins (usually in one payout)


by hkn 7 years 3 months ago

Congrats from a fellow Singaporean! Steady lah!

Even Singapore has some ulu places where gyms can last eight hours (I have seen some last over twelve). You just have to find them.


That must be really irritating. I can only imagine how hard it makes it to get gold gyms. A few months ago we had Singapore air force personnel stay in our town for a month when I was farming gold gyms and the frequency with which they'd take them back ALL THE TIME annoyed me immensely and I was glad to see the back of them lol


Gold gyms aren't hard to get, it's just resource consuming. The only way to get gym badge points here is by attacking aggressive berry feeders over and over again. But that would annoy some people. Or just raid more at the gym.


It used to be a problem with the old gym system, where I'd lose all my gyms so quickly that I could almost never hold more than two or three at a time to collect my coins. It was incredibly frustrating to spend an hour battling through glitches to take down a level 10 gym, only to get kicked back out 3 minutes after I left, before I even reached the next gym, and have that happen over and over and over. That was more an issue of team imbalances, though, because red players tried to monopolize every single gym in the entire area, so the instant any gym got taken, it stuck out as a target.

It's still difficult to hold any gyms for more than a couple hours in some parts of town, making it really hard to earn badge points, but now my bigger issue is usually not getting kicked out at all. The few gyms within about 3 miles of my house are some of the lowest-traffic gyms around, so I can just sit in them for days on end, not getting any coins at all, especially during the weekend. I currently have a Chansey that's been sitting unchallenged for 24 days at one gym, and a couple weeks ago, my Ledian finally got kicked out of a different gym after staying there about 40 days.


by TyFox 7 years 3 months ago

I will sometimes get 50 coins from one gym but turnover is still pretty high in Manhattan (NYC). I regularly try to get into two or three gyms so that I can get the full amount.


Same here in Hong Kong. Once you put a mon in a gym, people start to attack the gym and can barely hold on. In fact it's next to impossible to stay in the gym for 30mins without help from fellow teammates feeding berries.
It is especially difficult to defend gyms near railway stations and shopping malls (where most gyms are in HK).
