
Which format do you name your Pokemon?

Some leave the default names.
Some use custom names.
Some name based on moves.
Some name based on IVs.
Some use a combination of the above.

I tend to use the 3 IV stats followed by the overall %.

15/15/15 100

Someone here in Q&A once told me it was useless to include the overall %. Not sure why. I suppose if you can see the 3 IVs I guess you can figure out the overall easily?

Anyway, I would like more space for Pokemon names so I could include their moves because right now I usually memorize which Pokemon I like to use but after collecting multiple, it could get difficult to keep track.

I was also thinking of putting the first letter in front so I could try to filter them by name.
S 15/15/15 100 if that would even fit but still no room for moves.
If the IV is really bad and I can't pinpoint the exact numbers, I leave the name as is.

How do you all like to name yours? Open to suggestions too.

Asked by TTPB7 years 9 months ago


by GS1 7 years 10 months ago

I name all my 100 IV perfect moveset mons real nicknames because they deserve it.

Others I use overall IV percentage and moveset
98 ZH/BS as example


I just favorite them if they have good IVs (80%+), as I don't really see any need to know the exact number once they're evolved, and I have unicode symbols for each type that I add to their name to know their moveset. I think it just looks best this way :)


by TTT 7 years 10 months ago

I really just use name IV

Often like Vaporeon 93

For not-yet-evolved pokemon I'll put the actual values (e.g. 15 15 3) because that way I'll know the values if I catch another one before I evolve and need to decide.

I've memorized moves but then again I don't have that many copies of the same pokemon (my only duplicated fights are Vaporeon, Flareon, and Lapras - and I know my stronger Lapras has DP).

I think a good system would probably be:
Attack or Defense, Move type(s) if needed, IVs or percentage

So Snorlax could be:
D BS 12 14 15, for a defensive Snorlax with Zen Headbutt and Body Slam and 12/14/15 IVs.
D HB... for ZH and HB (would assume all defensive Snorlax have Zen Headbutt, hence the if necessary).

However we could look at something with multiple offensive movesets:
A B HP 100 for an offensive 100% Gyarados with Bite and Hydro Pump.
A DB DP 100 for an offensive 100% Gyarados with Dragon Breath and Dragon Pulse (I think those were the legacy moves? Don't have one).

Before I got stronger pokemon and would use stuff like Jynx or Hypno, I'd name based on the move type. E.g. Jynx 2ice for a Jynx with ice quick and charge moves. Hypno Ghost for a Hypno with Shadow Ball (as it was my only move super effective in to Psychics). Once you've learned what moves any pokemon you use can learn though, it's easier to just explicitly list the moves instead of their types.


by YodaJi 7 years 10 months ago

The ones that I use in gyms I name by the format "IV move"

For example my Venusaur is "4243 VW/SB" because his IV calculation is between 42 to 43 out of 45 and his moves are Vine Whip and Solar Beam. I use 42 because it's fewer characters than 93.3.

I like the other poster's idea of giving perfect mons a real unique name. I only have one of those who happens to be an Arcanine that I named "100 FF/FB", the only one where I used the percent instead of the raw IV stat.


by Arak2 7 years 10 months ago

I have a variety of things I do.

At the "end" of name I put "A" "B" "C" "D" based on Rating In Game. When I am trying to decide which to evolve or power up, I go to the calculator and replace A/B with total IV. Like 44 or 43. I don't worry about the break down of 15/15/14 vs 14/15/15 in name because of space.

When I have a Lvl30 pokemon, the first 2 numbers are "30" this lets me know not to power them up anymore.

I use the first letter(or2) of the move with a / if its a type that has 2 different types of quick/charge. if its something like Vaperon with only 1 quick move, I just use the Name of Charge Move. I use +/- for Ideal/Not Idea Move

I also use *e or *g at start for my lower level prestige team.

So for example my Victorybells looks like this
30 G/G+ 40 (Solar Beam)
30 G/G 41 (Leaf Blade)

My Vaperons Look like this
30 Pulse 40
30 Tail38
30 Tail B
30 Hydro38
30 Pulse B
30 Hydro B
30 Hydro 27
30 Tail 32
30 tail 25
30 Pulse C


"I don't worry about the break down of 15/15/14 vs 14/15/15 in name because of space".

I did the same until I understood the difference between a 15/00/15 and a 10/10/10


I use [name][IV][moveset]
where [name] is the pokemons regular name
[IV] is the IV in %
and [moveset] is an emoticon with the following meaning:
♨: A-rated moveset for attack
〰: B-rated moveset for attack
⛃: A-rated moveset for defense
⛂: B-rated moveset for defense
☹: moveset neither useful for attack or defense (only rarely keep such pokemons, usually only ones with 96%IV+)

my Firefang/Fireblast Arcanine is named
my only Snorlax with Lick / Earthquake
and my best defensive Waterpulse Vaporeon


I used to name them with IV% followed by moveset like this:

93% (WG/HP)

WG refers to Water Gun and HP to Hydro Pump obviously. I used this method for quite some time, but then I eventually learned the movesets and IV's by heart (and frankly, you don't really need to see the IV value every time you look at the Pokémon) so I started using special characters so that I could sort my Pokémon by name in whatever order I wanted them to sort.

For example I have my Exeggutors named with the same special character (✬) followed by a number (1, 2, 3) indicating its relative strength among my other Exeggutors. So basically like this:

✬ 1 ✬

I would still be using my old method if I wasn't so OCD about being able to order my Pokémon in the exact order that I want to order them (when sorting by name). I just memorize which number has which moveset and IV's. Not the most practical way for sure but this keeps me satisfied :)


I just name good ones with "<name/part of the name>", and mark them as favorite. Ex. "Vaporeo82.2%"


My format for combat pokémons (the rest remains unchanged) is:
[P] [N] [A][D][H]
P is one digit number for purpose: 0 for attack, 1 for trainning (1000CP), 2 for first line of defense, 3 for second line of defense, 4 for trainning (1500CP) and 5 for in line to walk with.
N is the name maked short.
A, D and H are the IV's represented as a result of (15 - value) so 0 means a pokémon with a pefect stat

0 Arca 302
2 Drago 213


I keep it super super simple. Sword for offense, shield for def.


I list the IV's in order, i.e. 15/14/14, and then "A" if the 'mon has an A-ranked moveset for attack, and "D" if it has an A-ranked moveset for defense.

I also give letters to mons with movesets I personally see as A-rank, like Slowbro with Confusion/Ice Beam.


I only put the the pokemon name and the iv%, for example Nidoqueen87%, Victree100%...


If I know a Pokemon's moves/stats by heart, I'll give it a fun nickname, but otherwise my naming scheme is always a ~6 digit code with IVs, Move types and move set ratings

For example, my Gyarados is named 98DDRBB, which means 98% IVs, Dark quick move, Dragon Charge move, attack moveset rating B, defense moveset rating B

I name mine the %IV mostly to help differentiate between multiple version of a mon, makes it easier to pick a team for fighting a gym.


name it by exact IVs (A/D/S) and abbreviated moveset.

don't need to add it's name because I can see the pokemon and percentage is redundant when you have the exact IVs anyway.

you know 15/15/15 is 100%, so adding 100 is just wasting 3 characters.

or lets say it's got 36 / 45 stats, 80%. 80% could be any combination of stats that equal 36, while showing 12/12/12 or 15/15/6 or whatever is more specific.

even if you can't figure out the exact percentage off the top of your head you don't need to. just add up the totals and compare them to the maximum of 45.

Different pokemon have different weights on each IV stat, for example I'd take a 15/15/0 Wigglytuff over a 15/0/15 because stamina IV makes the least difference on that Pokemon, but if I'd just named it 67 that wouldn't help.


by Zened 7 years 10 months ago

FORMAT: xxy z00/00/00?

xx are two numbers representing CP ranking (you can edit this with future updates):
11=mewtwo 12=dragonite 13=snorlax etc
I leave 00 to 10 free for custom gym teams

y is a letter representing a specific target like S for snorlax (optional)

z indicates moveset:
A=Optimal Attack
a=Secondary optimal
D=Optimal Defence

00/00/00=Individual Values (IVs)

?=question mark when IVs are unsure. I use lowest

(1) not enough room for both y & ? so you can use the space between the xx and y for the ?
(2) Any poké more than 50th on list gets two letters as identifier instead of numbers for xx. I name evolved mons with same two letters as the pre-evolved so they stack together
(3) range 50-99 I use for special teams for example cloyster drone army to kill grass and dragons (50) or prime apes with gengars on non-ghost spells as my snorlax attack team (51).
(4) Regional mons get ZZ (in the nn range) because you need to keep them for when trading comes in and you go on holiday to another region. This stacks them at the bottom
(5) I only keep Wonders (Blue) but for mr mimes I deviate from 00/00/00 to 00-00 where 00-00 is a high and low percentage range.
(6) When you hit a gym you can rename your team 01 to 10 in the nn range to see them at top of list after each fight to save time picking them.
(7) Poke trash (hold gym, die, and be transferred) get the letter Z so stack at the bottom.
(8) y and z are an either or option
(9) 90-99 range for gen 2 mons so I don't blow their candy

Hope this helps someone nerd out so I am not the only one!


Usually what I do is favorite any pokemon with 82+% IVs.

Then for movesets I will put two characters at the end of their name.
* = best attacking move
@ = second best attacking move
_ = third best

So... a WG/HP Vaporeon would be Vaporeon**, because he has the best offensive moveset.
If I had... say a Bite Flamethrower Arcanine, he'd be
Arcanine@@. A Bite Fireblast Arcanine would be Arcanine@*.


by pipjay 7 years 10 months ago

For anyone that writes out each IV, you really gotta learn hexidecimal. Would save you a lot of text space.


I wrote each IV as the result of (15 - value) so it never overpass one digit per stat, it goes from 0 to 5 for all the good IV monster


I use the shortened name, then the types of the quick and charge attack. I started this early in the game because I couldn't tell my two Gyarados apart which have the same CP since I got them and they were 1.500ish


by GxR 7 years 10 months ago

The first 6 pokemons on top are for training gyms so i dont need to scroll down to find my low cp yet kick ass pokes,, then followed with my pokemons to attack gyms, i named em all warlords..

For defenders i named em all the same followed with numbers so i know which mon in which gym


I use the default + iv + best attacker or defender.


That means my Snorlax has 93% IV and that "a" means he has the best moveset to attack (in this case, lick+hyper beam)

The Arcanine has 91% IV and best moveset for defense (fire fang + flamethrower)

89% IV and his moveset is the best both to attack and defend (mud slap + earthquake)

87% IV, but his moveset isn't the best in any way

Best moveset to attack, but don't got a good IV

That means the IV calculator wasn't able to point a single IV value, but the worst possible is 82%.


Best moveset to attack, but don't got a good IV"

I transfer all IV under 13/13/13 average
Attack IV under 13 is instant death for any poké on my phone.


by TopDog 7 years 10 months ago

I put individual IV scores on unevolved mons and the aggregate number and moveset on evolved mons. It sucks when I put mons in a gym and cant tell where they are so Ive been putting the location on the gym defenders so I know where they get knocked out from. Also on any larger evolved mons I wanna transfer I put a "11" in front to find and transfer easily after fainting them.


Each mon in my dex has an 11 digit name, more like a serial number. Each spot in the name provides a piece of info. In this text string I am able to determine:
the overall IV
the HP factor
the Attack factor
the Defense factor
how ideal the offensive moveset is
how ideal the defensive moveset is

This is a typical string:


AA = Lower limit of IV range, if its 67-75 I put 67

BB = HP component of IV, I use lower limit if its not confirmed and I put 08 for 8 to keep the character count consistent

CC = Attack component of IV, same methodology as BB

DD = Defence component of IV, same methodoogy as BB

X = "<" or "=", if the IV calculator confirms a single permutation of values for the IV, I use "=", otherwise I put in "<" to show that this is only the lower limit and that there is upside to this pokemon. Often I can determine a single permutation after I power up or evolve the mon.

Y = the ranking of the offensive moveset of this mon, so it would be A or B or C or D...etc.

Z = the ranking of the defensive moveset of this mon, same as Y

This uses each available character in the string.

When I capture a mon, I can put some values in the field after the appraisal process so that I don't have to appraise again down the road. Basically I have a shorthand system that I use as reference.


Altered hexadecimal for IVs

15=A,14=B...10=F,9=9,8=8...0=0. This way you can show all the information about IVs with only 3 characters.

15/15/15 = AAA
13/12/14 = CDB
15/9/10 = A9F
7/11/3 = 7E3

And since I'm usually keep only very good ones, It'll usually look like CAB, or 9BD, or something, and I know that a combo of three characters like that means the IVs.

Could save you up to 5 characters for other data like moveset

For 100%, I'll usually include a nickname and this 45!
