Best Mons to use Charged TM
I have plenty of Mons that could use a Quick TM update and that is pretty straight forward for me.
Curious of the best Charged TM moves worth going after. Preferably where there are only 2 choices and you know what you are going to get.
Struggling to find good options here.
My high level Machamp disasters are my first choice. Either fight move is better than Heavy Slam. Also gonna give my former gym topping SW/HB Dragonite the makeover. Gave him DT today, will be pleased with either Outrage or Hurricane (for Machamp raids).
After that, I got a perfect Vap with WP, and either charge would be a welcome upgrade. So I guess I'm leaning more towards initial disasters that will immediately upgrade regardless. I lucked out on my first Tyranitar and got B/SE, but say I got FB? TM automatically makes it a baller regardless.
No, it's not much worse, and you're right about the dodging, but IMO dodging against the current meta isn't all that important. I want this one (a 15/15/14) to lead my solo charges against Machamp, and I'll use him until he drops. I have a legacy DB/DC if I face a gym battle I need a dodger for.
Bottom line, I want a wrecking ball, not a surgeon.
I changed my SW/HB to DT/O...
Reason being is in the current game, you don't really need to attack rival gyms much...get a few gyms in a regularly, but busy area so people will attack eventually and hope they last 8 hours total, get 50 coins...
Defenders are useless...
Attackers are only useful for raids now and DT does more damage since SW isn't needed against any of the raid level 3 or 4 bosses...Better to use Dragonite as a sweeper/generalist I think if you don't have 6 of a super strong counter.