Candy Trades?!
One thing that bothers the heck out of me is that I always have an overabundance of candy for Mons that I don't want to power up, and never enough candy for the ones that I do.
I'd really like to see an addition where I can go to the Professor and TRADE candy. Even at a large premium, I'd be willing to do it. All they have to do is make a trade table. You go to the Professor, select what you want to trade for, and what you want to trade away. The table tells you what it will cost, and what you will get in return. Trades are done at a high cost.
I'd gladly give up 150 Eevee, or 300 Pidgey candy for 15 Dratini candy. Sure, it would be something to decide, would I rather get the XP from evolving 30 Pidgey's, or would I rather power up my Dragonite? But I can make a case for it.
Would be nice to trade candies. I have 2200+ Eevee candies, 1000 Rhyhorn, 1000 male and female nidoran candies.
I've also stopped catching Pikachu as they are a pain to catch and I have about 600 candies. They are everywhere here.
Let's make a deal! I need Dratini candy here. We have no spawns and I would need to walk 450km just to evolve my 78% IV level 20 dratini. Only ever hatched one.