Which Magikarp would YOU evolve?
I've already made a decision, I'm just curious what other people do considering that the Gyarados' moveset can make it not worth powering up. Think of this as a survey I guess.
1: 168CP, 60% IV
2: 143CP, 89% IV
3: 125CP, 100% IV
EDIT: I got Twister -_-
In my opinion, individuals that are commenting that the original poster is bragging aren't seeing this question the way I am...the original poster is gauging the popular vote to see who would favor evolving a high CP vs high IV magikarp --> gyarados, a pokemon that can either work as a prestiger or be maxed out to defend gyms.
Yes, it does seem like this question is a no-brainer to some, but to others (such as my self) this is a valid question. IV's don't matter for prestigers, unlike mons that will be maxed out as defenders.
My one and only Gyarados was evolved before the CP rebalance, and I had a similar dilemmae between a lvl 28 with 67% IVs and a lvl 20 with 93% IVs. Back then I chose to evolve the 67% because Gyarados was a bit lackluster and not really a pokemon I pictured myself spending too much stardust on.
Right now, the picture is completely different and I'd definately go with the 93%. It's still sitting in my inventory together with 400 candy, waiting for one with even higher IVs or a bit higher level.