
Candy Transfer Rate

Why is the candy transfer rate static for every mon? Shouldn’t it be proportional to the stage of evolution? The current method makes me not even attempt catching Pidgeotto, Metapod, Kakuna, Raticate, etc. because I am just catching them for the same amount of candies as Pidgey, Weedle, etc. except chances are I am wasting WAY more Pokeballs on them because they are tougher to catch. At higher levels, even basic mon are tough to catch, so if it’s mid level it could require a great or even ultra ball. The game is already such a grind monster, why not give a little incentive to catch something different? I am level 29 and they only things I’ll catch is unique mon (rares, starters, and anything on the tier list from this site) and candy grinders (minimum candies for max evolves like pidgey, weedle, etc). This cuts out the evolved forms of anything mediocre because it’s a waste of time. Instead of taking up valuable spawn points with these, they should give us incentive to catch them. I understand that this is similar to the old games: yes Pidgeotto should be harder to catch than Pidgey and will require more Pokeballs, but there was never candy in the old games so I think there is a disconnect between the new way of evolving/powering up and the reward we get.

The other option is to scale candy transfers similar to the way walking Buddies work. The current system is BS if you ask me because they have clearly scaled candy based on mon rarity for walking, but then you get the same amount back for transferring a Dragonite as if you transferred a Caterpie. They have already placed measurable value on candy rarity, why is this not crossing over? It’s like saying your money is worth $5 to you but to us its only worth $1, even though we are still in the same country. So essentially Niantic is saying, well when it’s your time and energy walking these things around you better get to steppin if you want to earn a Snorlax candy, oh but when the ball is our court you still get 1 candy for a transfer.

Asked by MeatSloth8 years 1 month ago


I've thought this same thing since I caught my 1st evolved critter. The evolution level should modify the sell price to the professor. I haven't bothered throwing a ball at ANY evolved state since ~L10-15.


Wanted to add the evolved critter issue is addressed in that you saved probably 25 or 125 candies (really 24 and 123) candies not having to evolve them to begin with so I'm ok with that part of it.


by Gspot 8 years 1 month ago

Agreed. One thing I am afraid of is this and other issues will be addressed in the future with us early adopters of the game being SOL. We are playing and using strategies based on the early game and I suspect in a year or two the game will look much different. So much of what we did will be kind of irrelevant. The CP balance update late least year is an example. I'm glad they did it yes... but imagine if we would have known this ahead of time and not transferred or passed up many of these in the past when they were basically useless? Imagine if your point is changed and all those 2nd and 3rd evolution's you transferred are now worth 2 and 3 candies and you missed out. Hopefully Niantic in some manner or fashion rewards or hooks up their early adopter player base.


Remember Dratini nests the first few months? I would have stocked up if I knew they were going to be so scarce now!


This is probably why it probably makes sense to always hold back a little...with everything in the game (eg: Save Pokecoins, save stardust, save candies, save high IV mons with bad moves, etc...).

I remember I burned a lucky egg and evolve party just before the thanksgiving event and missed double exp (and didn't have enough candies/mons) to really maximize it.

I'm sure people who maxed a ton of Arcanines for gym CP rankings are ticked if they did a lot of them since I RARELY see Arcanines in gyms anymore (it's now 12th on the CP scale and way too low).

Lapras may get tweaked (sad face since I have maxed near all mine).

This is why I'm thinking of actually boosting more mon storage and hoarding stuff since they may offer double candy transfer again and double exp so you may be better off holding off on some evolves if you don't need to get another one (like I have a lot of Pikachu candy and already have a Spark/Thunder Raichu)...Or new moves so if you have Machamp, maybe don't evolve yet and if they rebalance, you can get the new move instead...

I assume they will eventually also tweak gym CP rankings so it's not just the same 5 mons so be careful if you are maxing a lot of Rhydons/Gyarados.

Maybe they decide to simply change it and rank by (stamina + defense) as the gym ranking since it's a gym defender bonus (maybe like Pikemen in strategy games?) and that would make Dragonite (383 base) below a ton of other mons...(like Chansey, Snorlax, etc...) which actually makes sense since Dragonite is FAR faster to knock out than a maxed Chansey or Snorlax.


Amen brother! Always thought it was not right to get just 1 candy when transferring a Dragonite, Dragonair... Considering how rare some mons are...

of candies per transfer should be like the buddy system, diff amount depending on mon


Yes. All the yes.
