
Naming system for Pokemon

Just curious about how people name their Pokemon. For me, the goal is to put as much information with as short a name as possible, and this it how I do it.

IVs - I put in how much each Pokemon is short of having perfect IV. For example, a 001 Pokemon is one with 15 Atk, 15 Def, and 14 HP IVs. This way only 3 digits are needed to perfectly capture the IVs of each Pokemon.

Obviously, there are Pokemon with an IV of 5 or lower, which will be written as 10 or more, taking up 2 digits. I simply don't keep those. Or if I do keep them, I don't plan to evolve them, and thus never bother to write out their IVs (or even calculate them in the first place).

Movesets - I used to do ABCDEF based on GamePress's recommendations, but that left out a lot of information. Since I now have a better understanding as to which moves are good or bad in which situation, I'm now using abbreviations of move names instead. This generally takes 3 to 4 characters to cover both fast and charge moves, but may sometimes take 2 or 5 characters.

For example, an Exeggutor named CP has Confusion & Psychic, while one named ZHSoB has Zen Headbutt & Solar Beam (which requires an extra o to be distinguishable from Seed Bomb).

I have really enjoyed this naming system since it's short but still contains pretty much everything I need to know when I glance at a Pokemon.

As final examples, a perfect Lapras with Frost Breath and Blizzard would be named 000FBB, while a 10-10-10 Vaporeon with Water Gun and Aqua Tail would be named 555WGAT. That's it!

I hope this is useful. And let's share our ideas to see if there is a better naming system.

Asked by PokeDude1477 years 8 months ago


And add the Pokémon's HP if you really care about potions and revives.


I only name them like this:
97.8 @ 151514
IV @ A D S


by pipjay 7 years 8 months ago

1) If you want exact IV data in just three characters, you could learn hexidecimal. I use to do this, but switched to just a two digit IV percentage (using • in place of 100). I kind of want to go back, but it would take too much time at this point.

2) You could shorten those abbreviations some more. I use:
ZS Zenheadbutt+Solarbeam
ZB Zenheadbutt+seedBomb

As long as you are consistent in the abreviations and each pokemon has unique labels for each of its movesets, you'll be able to remember it. Some examples:
FF Firefang+Fireblast
BF Bite+Fireblast
FL Firefang+fLamethrower
TT Thundershock+Thunder
TB Thundershock+thunderBolt
DC Dragonbreath+dragonClaw
SP Steelwing+dragonPulse
VS Vinewhip+Solarbeam
RB Razorleaf+sludgeBomb
WC Watergun+iCebeam
BS Bugbite+Solarbeam
BS Bulletpunch+Submission
Bs Bubble+Submission

In the case of moves that start with tye same letter like Fire Blast and Flamethrower, I usually favor the stronger/better move. In the cas of moves mike Solar Beam that can appear on many different pokemon, I want to always use the same letter. However, the same abreviation can be used for more than one move as long as no pokemon can know more than one of those moves.

Vaporeon can only know one fast move, so its movesets can be abreviated H, A, and W. Same with Jolteon as T, B, and D and Flareon as F, L, and H

As a further reminder, I also append a marker:
+ High rated offensive moveset.
- High rated defensive moveset.
& High rated offensive and defensive moveset.
^ Former gym defender with "Battles Won"
$ Good attacker with high rated offensive moveset and really good IVs that I want to spend stardust to power up.
£ Good defender with high rated defensive moveset and really good IVs that I want to spend stardust to power up.
€ Unevolved with good IVs that I want to save to spend candy to evolve. (Started this because I needed to distinguish some 90%+ pokemon like Scyther with lacklaster moves like Nightslash.)
! Appraised in 82%+ range and I still need to check a calculator.
_ Fully evolved, high IVs, not very good moves, but still acceptable gym defender if I run out of better options.
? Fully evolved, high IVs, horrible moveset, not sure what to do. Save and hope for reroll someday?


I was just writing about this particular subject like an hour-hour and a half ago in one of my comments. I'd just copy and paste my text for simplicity if you don't mind: Hi. I can see you put the Pokémon IVs into the name line and it takes a lot of symbols to display. I was looking at your screen and wondering that I have the same problem. I would like to make it able for me to see. But it takes too bloody many symbols, stealing the room for other info. And then — boom! Suddenly it dawned on me. Thus I'd like to share the idea with you. Let's have a look at Jolteon 2467 from your screen: it took 8 symbols to show its IVs. [15/14/13] If we use a mirrored way of displaying it. It will take only 3 symbols. That means we show not actual IVs like [14]. But we show [1] (that's how much is missing to be top). Here instead we will get [012] in one group of numbers without a need to use slash symbols. You'd say: what if stats are at 5 or less. How would you mirror the missing 10pts? The answer is — to show it as the upper index numbers that are accepted and readable by the Pokémon GO apk. So, if we have [12/4/11] that turns into [3⁴4] or we even may invert it to look like [³4⁴] if that's better. Sorry for long text. Good luck!


I have various naming conventions:

  1. Candidates for evolving. I nickname them with the format "###.##". The first three digits correspond to ATK, DEF and STM IV in hexadecimal. The dot serves as a delimiter. The last two are perfection. For example, a 15/13/14 Pokémon would get "FDE.93".
  2. Prestigers. The format is ".#.###". The first dot, with a lower ASCII value, brings them forward when sorted by nickname. The first symbol is type speciality. I use my own type-encoding system: 'w' for Water, '#' for Grass, etc. Then another delimiter dot. And finally the moves: first the typing of Quick Move, then the type of Charge Move, and finally the energy bar of Charge Move. For example, a Water Gun / Hydro Pump prestiger would get "w.ww1".
  3. Specialist attackers. They have "###.###". The first three, again, are IVs in hexadecimal. Then the last three for moves again. So a 15/15/14 Vaporeon would get "FFE.ww1".
  4. Chief attackers (generalist attackers)
    I know them so well, so I give them special nicknames surrounding by stars.
  5. Move initials
    Some Pokémon have bad IVs but good moves, so I nickname then with their moves' initials.
  6. Disposable Armies
    Their nickname starts with ';', which has a higher ASCII value than '.' but still lower than alphabets.

I only keep > 82% IV with Grade A movesets, unless Tier 1. So for example, Snorlax would be named 1A&D48.9% This represents a Tier 1 Snorlax with A Grade ATK & DEF with IV of 48.9%. This system has worked well for me up to this point.


Also, I assume it would be useful to index the quick/charge moves with Unicode graphic symbols that are readable and displayable by the Pokémon GO apk. The idea is to show two exactly moves of the Pokémon with two symbols. The complete info line for let's say Venusaur of 1964 CP and 119 HP with 93.3 percent IV, Vine Whip and a Sludge Bomb would look like this: ₳93³▲■300☙☣ [11 symbols total] where ₳ is a general purpose of a Pokémon here is attacking use. 93³ is an overall percentage. ▲■ are the best qualities of the Pokémon which is ATK&DEF. 300 is mirror reversed index for IVs 12 HP; 15 ATK; 15 DEF. ☙☣ are grass move [vine whip]+poison charge move [sludge bomb] as a biohazard sign. I hope it's not difficult to understand. As it's really all-in-one line full info. And very useful during the game play.


Yeah. It might look weird from the first sight. But I have achieved my goal to comprehend exactly everything using just 12 symbols. There are around 100 or so of different Unicode graphic symbols that [I have to repeat it] are readable and displayable by the Pokémon GO application. That was a thing, cuz I tried many of symbols that didn't work when you try to save the new name. It was my curse lol. And now I have a pretty decent system for indicating absolutely everything about my Pokémon buddy. It's organically easy to understand the graphics and it is adjustable with a quite wide library of graphics to chose.


For those who is willing to keep a Pokémon with low stats with number 5,4,3,2,1,0 IVs anyways for some particular purposes. It's also possible to indicate it using the good ol' Unicode symbols. Let's say, our Venusaur isn't 12/15/15 but 12/5/15 instead. Then it would look this way: ₳93³▲■3❺0☙☣. Where ❺ means a nominal IV, not mirrored. All the Unicode symbols are readable by the Pokémon GO application as you can see from my screens or this text. I have both Android and iOS for playing. But I input data and symbols from the Android. Using some handy Unicode symbols application which I got for free from the Play Market. I believe there are similar programs for iOS on App Store as well.


Beware using the Unicode app. It glitched my names and blanked them. Worked fine for well over a month.

Took a lot of trial and error to even get text back at all. A lot of wasted effort.


by uzik85 7 years 8 months ago

Thank God, Ash didnt named pikachu as S/T97.9@ 15/15/14.

Ash entering a battle:
"S/T97.9@15/15/14 I choose you!!"
The crowd :
"Is he stupid or something? "


I also leave out the quick moves for mons with only 1 quick move like Vaporeon/Jolteon, etc...where there's no need to put Water Gun or Thundershock.

Since prestiging is where a lot of time is wasted in case you want to just beat the lowest mon over and over again, I have also started to abbreviate my main prestige team by how much CP they are to put them at the top. So for a mon with 1123 CP, it'd be just: 11VaporeonHp (for 800, it'd be 08monname). I like to leave as much of the mon name in so it could still sort by name a little if you are trying to find a particular one. If their IVs are good, I tend to just put how close they are off 45 max possible so it'd be 10RaichuST44 or something.


I use Nick's (from Trainer Tips) system, with a little addition:

1) Any pokemon with 82%+ IVs as favorite, as I don't feel the need to know the exact IVs. I am happy as long as it is 82%+ and I value moves way more anyway.
2) Symbols for move types (as shown on one of TrainerTips' videos), to instantly distinguish move types.
3) A brail symbol (4*2) representing the rating from Gamepress for both offense (left column) and defense (right column), with 4 dots for A, 3 dots for B, 2 dots for C, and 1 dot for D/E/F, to instantly distinguish what the Pokemon is good at.

For instance, a Snorlax named "Snorlax ☯◯" has Zen Headbutt and a normal move than can be either Body Slam or Hyper Beam. And the thing is, I don't really care which one it is, all I want to know is how effective the moveset is, and that's why I added a "⣾" at the end, meaning it's rated B on offense, and A on defense. I could just write BA, but since I have to use an external app for those symbols anyway (I use UnicodePad, as suggested by TrainerTips), may as well go full visual.

It obviously has the inconvenience of having to use said external app, but the trade-off is that when I look at my Pokemon list, I instantly know what they can and cannot do. While this is arguably not necessary when you know all your Pokemon by heart, it makes choosing Pokemon for gym assigning, attacking or training a breeze.


❆☃ is for snow type moves. ⛏⛑ is for rock. ☬ is for dragon. ♛ is fairy. ♅ bug moves. ✈️ aerial ones. 웃 body slam. ๑ psychic. ☫✪is for different water type moves. ♆ is for fighters. ☙ grass type. ✷⚵/✷៚ spark and thunder bolt/spark and thunder. And so on. And concerning you're nagging about having an entire apk for the symbols — it's equal when you use the calculator to figure out the Mon stats. It's something additional too. Don't you agree? I could input any of that symbols from the computer as well. But having an apk on the phone is more convenient for me. It's not some sort of a third part apk for PoGo. It doesn't have anything to do with the game at all because it's just a symbol library, and that's it lol. Have a great day! DukeHackula bows to the ground! :)


While I don't use the exact same symbols, that's the idea, yes.
And I completely agree, calculating the Pokemon IVs is just as much of an inconvenience, unless in the case of an overlay, like PokeGenie (I think that's the correct name).
But at the end of the day, to each his own, as long as one finds its way in his collection. ;)
Have a great day too, good sir!


When the game first came out wasn't there a text box to take notes on your pokemon? Did I imagine this?


Hi! And good New Year all!

This is a subject that I like! I have changed my naming system several times, but I stayed in this one.

We have only 12 characters to write, so save them!

First HP. If HP 82 I write 9, if HP 348 I write 35.
This helps when doing revives as health restoration.

Next moves: fast and charged, I use only one letter for each or just one if they are the same type. I use the frist letter of the type and then, h, o or d, for fight, Ghost, Ground, because F is fire and G is grass and dark is capital D.
Then DPS for charge move, hidro pump is 24 DPS, so I write W24. This is importante for atacking big PKM because you need big DPS. And I have found out that after a while you already now what move its is by knowing the DPS. For example water pulse 11, aqua tail 19 and hidro Pump 24.

Then size c,a,dot,b,t. I am blue team so "c" for Colossal, "a" for Above, dot for no information, "b" bellow and "t" for tinier.

And finally IV. Where I have done something different.
I do not use % IV! Cp is calculating by giving more relevance to Attack IV or base power.
This is logical because HP and defense are the same thing! If you have high HP and low defense it will be the same as high defense and low HP. The bar is always the same size! So I count Attack IV twice.
So for a PKM with 12,15,12, total IV 39, I will get 12+15+15+12=54, so my IV goes to 60 which is maximum IV.
And that’s it.
My snorlax is called “25yN26b51” it has 247 HP, Zen Headbutt and Body Slam, its bellow in size and 51 especial IV. All in just 9 characters!

I works for me!


I thought weight and size had no impact on a Pokemon performance. If so, why the need to have the size in the name?


Again, I think this thread brings to light the fact that there needs to be a more in-depth form of organization/grouping. I really hate digging through all 300 for my prestige team which is kind of scattered somewhere around the middle of the group when ordered by CP. Personally I just name ones I know I am going to power up in all caps with the IV % next to it. I don’t need to know the exact values or move ranking in the name, I can just open another app for that (and let’s get real most people that are involved enough to join a site like this have most of the top tier movesets memorized). One idea I have toyed with though is just adding a symbol or something to signify attack or defense because I am starting to get more than one of some of the better ones.


Just keep it simple a-arcanine would be an attacker b-arcanine thats a defender c-arcanine just a mon with high cp your current cp im level 30 though this would be worth for evolving and finding a good moveset. And given that you would keep only high ivs numbers would not be necessary. And you would have your best mons on top to pick them fast while fighting and placing good mons on gyms.


I also use Symbols ♤ for attack and ♡ for def. I write the iv 98.
When I Put him in a gym i allways give him the Name of the gym so that I know which of my gyms got beaten.


I put a ✓ in front of good pokemon to use in raids, then two digits for level and other two digits for IV percentage, followed by %, then two symbols that rapresents the moveset. I also developed a keyboard that contains some symbols similar to type icons!

Here for example the name of my best tyranitar:
✓ 34 80% ◑☗

And here the links for my keyboard:


Wanted to post about since ive been testing symbols for a few months now. Will add images in comments
Only tested on a Galaxy S5 and a Galaxy S6 hopefully info works on most phones
1. If you can, download the "multiling O" keyboard if availble.[IMAGE 1]. Honso has made by far the best customizable keyboard app out there, and I have NOT had to root either phone I`ve use it on. It has 59 emojis menus you can copy and paste any unicode you want into it. [Image 2]*

So once intial work is done no more copying from one app to pokemon go. Also emoji menu is customizable layout (little bit of JSON coding invovled with this, but i had no expieriance prior too and picked up how to do it pretty easily). Made mine look like a pokeball. [Image 3]

  1. Sorting(specifcally Name A–Z).
    *Most Unicodes(symbols) account for about 1⅛ of the 12 charactars you can use– Basically you can use 8 Symbols and 3 of the letters or alphabet on a standard keyboard
    Ex. ඊඊඊඊඊඊඊ1a$ the first eight add up to nine characters and the last three only count as one charcter so grand total of 12. [Image 5]





At the top
[ROTATING ONE]these unicodes(symbols) will go to top of the list when sorted alphabetically. Best way to describe them is You're entering SPACE but instead of blank input it is a symbol.
*when you type them in search bar nothing happens to the list.
*they shorten the legnth of the word so "vaporeon" will sort below "vaporeoቾ" because it doesnt count "ቾ" as a sortable character.
*if they are the only thing entered Highest Cp pokemon will come first.

Sorts underneath the first rotating list. [IMAGE 7]
*when you type one in search bar it shows all
Charactacters in this list[IMAGE 8].
*Will count in letter length.
*higher cp will sort first in this list as it did in list one, but one character will alaways sort above two characters and two characters above 3 etc.

*Below Rotating list 2.
*[SPACEBAR] Will appear above most of these. Few exceptions ive found are ԈӅӁ(these three have some kinda rotating property i havent been able to test throughly. I just avoid Cryllic Langauge. ).
*when searched will only show that character
*Alphabet lowercase comes before uppercase,but still alaphabetical. Ex. aAbB
*both character legnth and place in desending list will affect sort order. CP does not affect it.
*sorts left to right . 1st symbol then 2nd then 3rd etc.
*have to plug them into individual pokemon to figure out descending order

  1. Characters that are blank when entered on certain phones and not others and vice versa.As far as i can tell its the way the phone deciphers a pacticular unicode. Phone manufactures use a different unicode even when you select the right one. Hard to explain but its in a ton of forums and might be solveable by making a custom font, it may also require rooting of phone. Sliver lining however if you got a bunch of them(like i do now that Since Tmobile "upgraded me" to a S6 sigh) they will still sort the same way in the app as they would when visable. My plan for now is to use them to sort my pokemon by family since it will allow me to sort pokemon however i want (so long as descending list symbols are the only ones use and at the start of name or after a rotating list 1 symbol).
  2. Question mark characters.
    Simular to blank but only 6 can be used. These are all unicodes that equal to U+5 letters instead of four. Maybe someday Bamum Supplement.*sometimes question marks are characters your phone/or pokemon app doesnt recognize which is why its important to know the 5 letter vs 4 letter
  3. Four characters for CP,Health,and each individual base stat. Percentage I use alphabet each letter is represents ‐ stat point so A equals ‐1 or 97.8. Each stat is worth about 2.2 or 2.3 perctentage so looks like this.[IMAGE 10]. Z represents 42.3% or lower
    I combined health and iv stats together like and i use [SPACEBAR]when 100% [IMAGE 11]. health is the readable number then i use the background to of number to represent each stat att/def/sta. Left side is 15 stat. All the way to right side which is a 10 or lower stat. This wont sort defense and health correctly so i use percentage letter before these three. Exsample C①❷⓵ is a 93.3 percent pokemon with 121 hitpoints ans has 14 att 13 def and 15 stamina.
    Heres the unicodes for that
