
Rare Candy Tier List?

As RC is one of the scarce resources in the game, it would be useful to have a Tier List for such usage just like Sinnoh Stone Tier List.

Maybe using the similar considerations as in SSTL, what would be the RCTL then?

p.s.: As I'm a RC hoarder, basically RC occupy lot of my bag space and I often run out of space. Therefore, the list will help me and hopefully others to prioritize the dumping/investing RC. Thanks.

Asked by chameleongohk5 years 11 months ago


by hkn 5 years 11 months ago

The common answer is that Rare Candy is only for legendaries, with Mewtwo, Rayquaza, Kyogre and Groudon most deserving.

However, when I asked whether I should power up my perfect Groudon and perfect Mewtwo, the responses implied that they were not that useful.

If given Overheat, Heatran would rank up there with them.

For competitive gym scenes, Raikou and Chansey are also very worth spending Rare Candy on.


I'd say top priority would be Kyogre, SA moltres, rayquaza, possibly dialga, Mewtwo. I dont recommend groudon as it against things weak to types other than ground, other pokemon regularly out preform it.

Thats for raids, if you are for PvP, theres a number of great legendaries to power up and make good use of a second move; Dialga, giratina, raikou, suicune, possibly groudon and heatran


If you play a lot Rare Candy is hardly scarce. It's actually fairly easy to get. Use it for whatever you think you need/want to use it on.


If you raid a lot. Other ways of playing the game don't net you much RC no matter how much you play.


Doing just the one free raid every day (sticking mainly with T5's), supplemented with rare candy rewards for PvP, field research, etc., is enough to accumulate rare candy at a reasonable rate. That's what I do, and I would consider the difficulty in accumulating rare candy to be roughly equivalent to the difficulty in accumulating stardust.


One free legendary raid per day is about 90 RC per month on average. PvP and research RC rewards are on the rare side and will give you much less per month. AS rewards give a decent amount but some people take the eggs and you might get silver pinaps or dust instead of RC.
No matter how you look at it, RC gains without green passes are not big.


It's pretty unanimous that the weather trio and Mewtwo are must haves, particularly Shadow Ball variants of the latter. I imagine Palkia would be acceptable to anyone lacking Rayquaza with its extra bulk and unique typing helping to somewhat offset Draco Meteor's risk factor compared to Outrage.

Other worthy contenders that don't have an immediate raid use use are Raikou and Sky Attack Moltres.

If you do PvP there are other choices with varying degrees of priority. Giratina defines Ultra League and reaches CP cap with little investment. It also does well in Master League as do Groudon and Lugia. Heatran reportedly does well in the upper leagues. I'd imagine Dailga will be quite good in Masters.


I know there is no immediate raid use for it but is SA Moltres all that useful? I don't really do PVP.


It has some effectiveness overlap with Overheat but Sky Attack being two bar makes it more ideal for gym sweeping and more reliable in the overlap cases due to a lower likelihood of wasted energy.

If you're feeling extra "booshy" you can give it a second move in Overheat so it has the best of both worlds since Overheat does better in clear weather.


If you have a shadow ball Mewtwo, buying a second charge move for it is well worth spending the candy.
