As part of our ongoing series ranking all available style options in PokemonGo head to toe, today we’re going to be looking at the shirts, hoodies, and jackets that are a central part of any PokemonGo outfit.
Here at GamePress, we focus on maximizing your resources but also on the optimal performance. While some considerations are made for price, this list will focus on making you the best trainer there ever was.
As always these breakdowns will assume a value of 0 to Lucky Eggs. Lucky Eggs currently provide 0 value to players over level 30 who are able to purchase “The Thirty” top (the only benefit to leveling up).
Honorable Mention - Business Blazer (M) 500
It would be impossible not to mention the actual outfit that I wear in all of my YouTube videos. Speaking of, those that prefer audio/video content can follow along here:
10. Veteran Jacket/Coat 150

Nothing says “I powered up a Giratina” “I PvPed my alt account 200 times” quite like the Veteran Jacket and Coat. Proudly show off that you have an alt account with these bold, badge-locked winter wear options.
It should be noted that while we are showcasing both options here, the male jacket is much more flexible (leather aside) in that it functions in a variety of seasons. For more, check out Winter Wear and its Place in the Meta.
Jackets and Coats are boosted in several Pokemon GO weathers, meaning this list will feature them prominently.
9. Sports Hoodie (M) Yellow 500

The yellow sports hoodie is the premiere choice for style-savvy Instinct men. At 500 coins, this is the most expensive option in our top 10. For 500 more, Instinct players can just purchase a Team Medallion, the hottest new item in fashion. Instinct players should be able to save up daily coins from defending gyms in just a few years.
From Team Medallion: The Literal Fashion Icon:
“[The Team Medallion] isn’t a choice you should make lightly. It changes your whole outlook and background. By this we mean you change your avatar’s background, thus changing the entire outfit look.”
8. Streak Hoodie (M) Magenta & Blue 220

These hoodies are perfect options for the Valor and Mystic players that defect from Instinct.
Steal Deal! Classic Hoodie Blue & Red

There’s a few good options too in the Classic Hoodies section. We’re particularly fond of the vibrant blue and red option. The more dulled blue-grey and maroon varieties are a nice classic look but it’s important to stay updated when Niantic releases new styles. Better options are available and it’s time to upgrade. Plus, they’re free. Nothing beats free (except the next 7 options).
7. Pikachu Tee (F) Pink 220

The Pink Pikachu Tee really pops. It’s classy and conservative while still making a statement. “Yes. I’m a girl avatar. What are you gonna do about it?” Read more in The Female Forme: Changing Genders for a Change of Pants.
6. Team Aqua Top 150

These durable and multipurpose tops are perfect in a wide variety of activities making them amazing generalists and a great overall investment (sidenote: Do not pair with overalls). The men’s top comes with a turtleneck and sash. The woman’s top is cropped with a cold shoulder.
I’m also just realizing investment could’ve probably been a nice pun to include somewhere. Sadly, the vests don’t make the top 10 top tier tops and this list has integrity!
5. Team Magma Hoodie 150

Value. Horns. This hoodie is tough to beat.
Firstly, it’s a turtleneck sweater and a hoodie. That’s a 2 for 1. There are also two horns on the hoodie. Yes, this is very cool. Yes, we love it. So why only #5?
What the Team Magma Hoodie brings in value it lacks in customizability. Simply put, the hoodie removes the ability to customize your hat choices. For budget trainers, again, this represents value. For those who have already purchased a cool hat, this represents a waste of resources.
4. Mew Shirt 250

This soft pink tee displays an adorable caricature of our beloved first mythical Pokemon. Wearing it is basically like having 2 buddy Pokemon at once it’s so frickin cute.
Buddy Pokemon remain one of the most dynamic features in Pokemon GO, allowing more customization than any other style option; over 150 options to choose from.
You could even wear this shirt while Mew is your buddy to make it look like you have 2 Mews like one of those people that got an extra Mew when Niantic decided to set the cap to banked research rewards to 100 then tried to fix it. Speaking of which, I never recieved my lost #ResearchRewards (or any type of email response). Very cool shirt.
3. Drifblim Shirt / Gengar Shirt 200

It’s important to look at outfits as a whole. This isn’t our recent article Hats Off: A Look into Style Options in a World Without Hats. While fun to theorize about hypotheticals in Pokemon GO, it’s important to look at styles as a whole. That includes hats. Drifblim Shirt + Drifloon Cap for girls. Gengar Shirt + Gengar Knit Cap for boys.
2. Charizard Pullover (M) White 220

1. Go Fest Tee

WE CAN’T PLAY without this wonderful throwback tee, reminding us of all the fun times in Grant Park. Imbued with incredible history, this top top speaks for itself!