
Trading Values

Whenever trading comes to Pokemon Go, what Pokemon you think will be the most wanted between traders? Personally I would give almost anything for a +90 ivs DB/ DC Dragonite or if I don't have the chance of get one, a high Iv Mewtwo with the ideal moveset

Asked by MarcoLeandroX7 years 7 months ago


I'd never trade for a Legendary! Even though I don't have a single one yet.
I would trade for some of the Regionals that I know that I will never be able to travel to catch.


Brazilian here, who travels fairly much to US. I'm hoarding lots of Heracross and Tauros (when I got them in the US) just for that.


When trading comes, maybe we'll have PvP released. If so, L/BS Snorlaxes gonna be a joy.


by Sebhes 7 years 7 months ago

Snorlax body slam
Dragonite dragon claw
Me personally: omastar with rockthrow

In the end I hope they'll never introduce trading for obvious reasons. Cheaters <-> normal accounts


The value consists of more then one part:
(1) Type
(2) Moveset, if discontinued
(3) IVs
(4) level.

Your discussion was mainly about (1)..(3), i want to contribute a bit to (4).

Level is a result of stardust and candy invested. Let's assume, a big part of pokemon comes from level-20-origin, egg or raid. So the investment of dust and candy up from this level contributes to the value.

My (very) rough estimation:
10 candy invested may be worth 1$. This comes from raidpass cost and rare candy gain.

My other (very) rough estimation:
10k dust may be worth 1$. I estimated this from the difference of dust that a friend of mine and i gathered during multiple-bonus-event-week. He grinded with full incubators, i grinded without incubators. In the end, he had 100€ (roughly same in $) invested in incubators and he has gathered 1 Million dust more than me.

With this, a level 39-pokemon would have leveling costs of roundabout 42,5$ - 205 k dust and 220 candy invested.


by YodaJi 7 years 7 months ago

There will be the highest premium on Unknowns as they are super rare and yet so many different versions of them. Completionists will want them.


I'm on the fence about trading . As much as I would love to trade other players for something that's not common in my area for something I may have a lot of that may not be common in their area, I feel like trading can really hurt the game too.

Spoofers are everywhere. There's nothing Niantic will do because ultimately they still pay money to spoof to locations in the current meta to take down raids. You can only get one free pass per day and spoofers are raiding multiple times a day. That's money in Niantic's pocket.

My thing is, when trading comes out, these spoofers can now get off their couch and go outside for once to meet you or anyone else that's willing to trade. You won't have the slightest idea that they've been spoofing the whole time. You come to an agreement on what's getting traded for what.

Your Pokemon will be legit and theirs won't. It's a win win for spoofers cause now they'll have legit Pokemon from you and you're stuck with a spoofed Pokemon who will possibly get a red slash through it in the future. Won't be able to do anything with it and now you're out of an investment. Time spent raising it, stardust, candy etc while the spoofers can continue to hustle people.


I'm not convinced they will ever implement trading until they can find some way to stop people from monetizing it. As others have said, this could be a potential goldmine for spoofers and is probably one of the main reasons they've been spoofing all along. Right now, they're limited to selling accounts. Imagine if they could start selling individual mon without the hassle of starting new accounts from scratch?

But even if they do introduce it, I'm not really interested in trading for anything except the regionals that I have zero chance of getting otherwise. And, as someone else said, the risk would be too great of getting a spoofed mon in return that could be slashed one day. So even though I never got a DB/DC Dragonite, I'm not really interested in trading for one. Just wouldn't be worth it.


I think the implemention of Raids is one of the first steps to discourage or downgrade the value of spoofed or boted Pokemons. Most of the monetized Bot Accounts had dozens of Tyranitar and Dragonites, but almost everyone can get some Tyranitars with raids now and Dragonite will for sure be in Raids anytime soon. Maybe they combine it with a better anti spoofer/bot algorythm that prevents supposed cheater from trading, we can maybe hope for trading in a somewhat fair environment soon.

I can see your point with how easier it would be to sell individual pokemons for cheater, but with trading Niantic would also devaluate the monetized Bot accounts, who wants to buy an (unsafe) account with some Ultra rares when he can also trade for or raid them now


I only have one dragonite, level 30, 93.3% IV, Db/Dc
Yes, I got very lucky and I won't give it away for anything apart for something rare af that can't be found anymore


I got a 100 IV DB/DC and it was my first Dragonite. I wouldn't trade it for anything.


I think my big boy will have good value, but also think everybody gonna be selfish when trading legacy and regionals


by GS1 7 years 7 months ago

I would want 100 IV Legendaries and a high IV Omastar RT/RS.
