
Possible defender?

Hey guys I know we don't have the new update yet but what does everyone think of Forretress as a defender? He's ranked 11 in defence and has some good movesets maybe worth keeping an eye on him?

Asked by Deco747 years 7 months ago


Right now, a lot of mons might surprise us when the new gym system is rolled out. Maybe, even shuckle will have a place.


by JHVS 7 years 8 months ago

He has a double weakness to fire which resists his bug quick moves and his only stab charge move which is steel. Flareon with FS/OH will roast him even though some of his charge moves are advantageous in that matchup.

He will be more or less like everything else not named Blissey or Snorlax as far as we know right now.


So, this forreterres is not a defender to an informed attacker. I cannot guess how many of us just follow the 6er suggestion and simly hit attack. I know some high level players who do not care about such minor issues as type advantages.

So - for some, a Forreterress, a Scizor or a Steelix will be hard to beat, for others, it will be easy.

Per gamepress point of view, you are right - a defender is as good as its worst matchup.


You aren't saying anything that I particularly disagree with. All of the non Blissey/Snorlaxes have their plusses and minuses.

When the question is "should I power it up though" it has to be pointed out. Because if you have 25 "defenders" you can deploy to do a reasonable job in the current system that dust may be better spent elsewhere. Especially if you have a defender that may be equally as good from different angles but may also be more likely to be wild caught at a higher level.

At the end of the day what we are really discussing here is what to invest in when we are talking about how mons do in their specific areas.
