
My zapdos cannot learn thunderbolt

I have a zapdos with thundershock and Thunder, but I really want thunderbolt on it. Since zapdos day I have been using nearly all my chjarged TM's on it, which is 14, and it only switches between Thunder and Zap Cannon

Today (moltres day) I got 4 more charged TM's (out of 16 raids, big whoop!), used em all too on zapdos and am still stuck on Thunder...

That puts the counter on 20 charged TM's now

Why can it not just learn thunderbolt? I mean the odds of this happening is below 0,001% Is it even still possible for zapdos to learn thunderbolt?

I feel really annoyed about this :(

Asked by Carpe Dimi6 years 5 months ago


The odds of failing to get thunderbolt 20 times in a row is 524288/1. So how has this happened?

It's called RNG. stands for Random number generation, which is not very random at all.

As an example, i have only ever caught ONE wild shiny outside of community days. That was six months ago, since then plenty more shinys have been released. Wheras other people i know seem to get one every week, get multiple copies of shiny aron, shiny magikarp etc. One person i know caught two shiny wingulls in a row! In two minutes They caught more than i've ever caught.

That's RNG. is it supposed to be random, like the lottery numbers? Yes. Is it truly random? Absolutely not. Same for your non thunderbolt Zapdos.

Couple of sidenotes to prove my point further, my main account has attempted about two dozen tyranitar raids, never seen one above 91% including all the T'tars that ran from me. My alt account has attempted two, one was 100% and the other 98%. The odds of getting two tyranitars with those IV's in a row are 11664 to 1. The odds of those two both being on your alt account, while your main accoiunt has never caught any that high, are even less.

Also, i caught over 20 shinys eevees on community day, which is impressive. But while most people got around 10 or more, i know someone who got zero, over two days. I cannot work out the odds of failing to get any in two days but they're very low.

The odds against any of these scenarios occurring are astronomical in a truly random RNG. Pokemon go does not have a truly random RNG by a long shot.


I wouldn't trust Niantic to have a good random number generator so I'd advice never to use more than 2 CTM in a row if you fail to get what you want. Restart the game and then try again.

You could also just save your CTMs for a more meta-relevant mon, but if Zapdos is your favorite and you really want it to get the best moveset, you just have to keep trying.


And my Tyranitar can’t learn Crunch. Lost count but I’m somewhere between 10-15 cTMs now. Got 3 today but that didn’t help.


Good points on the shiny's and stat distribution for raid bosses! To add to that, I also find that the IV distribution on catch rewards for research tasks seem lower for breakthrough mons than for regular tasks.

I do like zapdos enough that i want thunderbolt on it, but you're right in saying I should use them on more meta-relevant mons.
I also get extra frustrated cause I could have done that and maybe not be disappointed, but I suppose I will keep trying.

Goodluck on getting crunch on tyrannitar!


I remeber mine being a pain to get to thunderbolt, about 8 tms, but nothing this bad. its just RNG, and sometimes you get screwed by it, other times it loves you.
