
Mewtwo movesets

Just caught this 15/15/14 mewtwo, couldnt resist powering it up. Even if i catch a hundo ill power up both of them, so i thought what the hell, i might as well pull the trigger on this one.

But im very unsure whether im going for confusion/psychic or PC/IB - what would you guys recommend?

Asked by 9comon6 years 4 months ago


Well all depends on what you're going for. It is the best psychic attacker, but Psychic is really only niche for Machamp solos or agaisnt Gengar raids if you have none with shadow ball, and doesnt have much use outside of those given Psychic's effectiveness profile. Ice beams got some use as the best ice attacker for now and theres a few defenders weak to it so it really comes down to do you have enough psychic types or ice types so this mewtwo can be used for the other

I'd recommend at least changing PC to Confusion, it has higher DPS than PC in all situations aside from when Psychic is resisted, and most pokemon you'd likely be using an Icebeam on against wont resist psychic.


Nice catch!!!! Change it to whatever you like it'll be good as an ice attacker and is probably going to be the best Pysic attacker for all generations.... you can always TM it back till the make something Legacy.....


Given that you'd use IB Mewtwo mostly against dragons, and most of those are doubly weak to ice, it doesn't make sense to go for confusion as PC charges IB faster which results in more damage.


That's a beautiful Mewtwo. I'm looking myself for one high IV with Ice beam.

IB is the most versatile of the new moves, IMO. It will be top counter for Rayquaza and Groudon, following very closely their respective supreme counters in neutral weather.
As for the fast move...FTM are usually abundant, so you may change it back and forward between C/PC when simulations suggest one or the other as advantageous.
