
Lapras 100% iv (bad moveset)

is it worth it to keep or powerup a Lapras with 100% iv but bad moveset (frost breath / dragon pulse) ??

Asked by Braker8 years 4 months ago

is it worth it to keep or powerup a Lapras with 100% iv but bad moveset (frost breath / dragon pulse) ??

Asked by Braker8 years 4 months ago

is it worth it to keep or powerup a Lapras with 100% iv but bad moveset (frost breath / dragon pulse) ??

Asked by Braker8 years 4 months ago

is it worth it to keep or powerup a Lapras with 100% iv but bad moveset (frost breath / dragon pulse) ??

Asked by Braker8 years 4 months ago

is it worth it to keep or powerup a Lapras with 100% iv but bad moveset (frost breath / dragon pulse) ??

Asked by Braker8 years 4 months ago

is it worth it to keep or powerup a Lapras with 100% iv but bad moveset (frost breath / dragon pulse) ??

Asked by Braker8 years 4 months ago

is it worth it to keep or powerup a Lapras with 100% iv but bad moveset (frost breath / dragon pulse) ??

Asked by Braker8 years 4 months ago


I suggest just keeping it. Don't power up or transfer it.
For those who haven't had a Lapras yet, having one with reasonable IV and high CP is what they dreamed of (at least I used to). Even with worst move set, Lapras is a strong attack/defense pokemon. For example, I just hatched a Lapras with CP 1677 and the same move set as yours, and it can defeat Dragonite with CP ~2100 without dodging.
Besides, who knows in the future, maybe they will allow you to change move set?


That is the exact reason why I haven't transferred any of the good Pokémon even if they have abysmal moveset.


Imagine being able to change moves at some point with a rare item or such (wich was possible in the games). You'd hit yourself in the head for transferring it. So keep it! just don't power it up.
