
How to make GPS drift intentionally?

I know this may sound as a counter-intuitive question considering that most people actually have issues when their GPS signal drifts from their real locations (gym errors, etc.), but I just recently moved to a different house, and since I work full time from home, I basically sit all day in front of a computer with little to no time to get up an walk. Where I used to live, the GPS signal tended to drift ever so occasionally for a few meters, which meant that just having PoGo open would score me a few steps for eggs and buddy candies (not much, if I got lucky I could hatch a 2km egg every two days), but now, at my new place, the GPS signal is ultra-precise and doesn't drift a single centimeter. Is there a way to disturb the GPS on purpose without recurring to spoofing and without depending on the weather to get me some desperately-needed steps that you guys know of?

Asked by Bellick8 years 4 months ago


Yes, I do this intentionally all the time too for various reasons. Although I have not found a method that works all the time, I found that by toggling the wifi switch, on and off the app and hitting a nearby pokestop or gym helps a number of times. Not all the time though.


One trick im testing these days is to put the cellphone signal on "3G" instead of LTE. Here in Argentina mobile companies and signal qualities are shit, so when im in my department i put 3g ON and in some rooms my character runs like one or two blocks, sometimes i get the speed alert message but sometimes dont, and eggs explote. I dont know if these is avaible on your contry, but you can give it a try


Perhaps you are on the wrong floor of your house? I generally hang in the bottom floor and my dude runs all over my neighborhood. Also, just having it openl while you search the web and toggle back seems to make him run around. I'll untintentionally hatch eggs just by going in and out of the app, just by checking ivs.


I found the drift was most constant when I was teathered to WiFi and my phone was directly above my wireless router on the first floor. I was able to have my character drift 7-8km at night while I slept. However niantic have become smart to the walking drift exploit. Now after around 45 minuets of leaving my phone inactive the game gets an error message so now I only walk around .6-.8 km in that time. So in theory I could keep going back to it every 45 minuets and rack up some distance as I go about the days tasks. I too experienced radical drift at times when I was using my 3g/4g connection but I think that can have a lot to do with your signal at the time. Maybe we can find some way of effecting the signal of our phones using some sort of container of satellite dish to make our character walk up and down the street constantly.
