
Eggs - Delete Feature in Near Future?

I've always wanted to be able to delete the eggs that I get to get a chance at something better. I understand this is Niantic's way of forcing us to hatch eggs in order to get better ones, but this especially sucks now with the arrival of 7 km eggs. Unless you have a free egg slot; opening gifts from friends would be a waste of opportunity.
I don't understand why Niantic can't allow at least the deletion of a few or at least one egg a day? Maybe have a special item from Pokestops that is rare that allows you to delete an egg? We can delete anything from our items except eggs....and well now gifts, lol. What are your thoughts?

Asked by Rykion6 years 7 months ago


No, abortion is illegal in some places.


I wish we could too, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. You can’t delete eggs from the main games either. They should allow extra eggs to go into our bag for later incubation, though.


I wish at least friend eggs have their own page. If they have their own permanent incubator then ninantic could do whatever they wanted in the future with them and it wouldn't mess with normal egg hatching and remove opportunity costs of hatching the friend eggs


by muitin 6 years 7 months ago

Niantic would not consider to add such feature coz it will drop the sales of incubators.


Most $penders buy incubators to hatch 10k eggs. If deleting eggs was possible, Niantic would probably make more money.
Let's not forget that this is a WALKING game.


After filling up with 2km eggs during the water event, I was able to purge them all, while opening gifts judiciously. Here's where I'm at now:

Once you're there, just hang onto 3-5 gifts at all times. When you hatch an egg, open gifts before spinning stops or gyms, to fill the egg opening with an Alolan egg.

P.S. - took this just before I started incubating my first one. Been incubating since then.


by Dr. T 6 years 7 months ago

We already have an item that allows you to get rid of eggs, at a rate of about one egg per hour. Best of all, it is totally free! And if you are prepared to spend some coins you can increase its effect by a factor of nine. You can wipe out your box in just one hour to make space for nine Aloan eggs!


by kenbkk 6 years 7 months ago

I can't see a "Delete Egg" option happening, otherwise all players would delete all eggs that weren't 10K and thus 10Ks would lose their rarity value. What they should offer is a way to suspend / switch off egg collecting so Trainers could spin freely when they don't want eggs OR when trying to save a slot for 7K or whatever. I find it annoying that to avoid egg collection one has to max out pokemon storage and then delete a Mon every single time one wants to catch something new. While they are at it, Niantic could improve "egg management" by allowing us to Name our eggs or allow some sort of location tagging so we know where we got them. If that already exists I have never seen it. Some will insist that eggs are randomly selected but I cannot believe that since most of us have had the displeasure of hatching the same Mon over and over again. The statistical odds of hatching repeated Mons when there are so many candidates cannot support the results we have seen.


Eggs are tagged with their town of origin. I can't imagine them drilling down further.
