Dragon Events?
Do you guys ever think they'll do any kinda of dragon type events like the pokemon show down one?
Mostly because dragon types are SUPER uncommon, unless you do raids where they're legendaries that are almost impossible to catch, or hatch them, and considering the fact that the most recent groups of events and community days seem to be preparing us for raids, either Regis, or in my opinion more so Dialga, would is seem likely they'll do a dragon event, or maybe just community days, or nothing at all?
I went to it, got a 96 IV draco meteor dragonite, and possibly a 93% ive shiny dratini
I just mean for *other* dragon types, like bagon, kingdra, and such,
though it would bprobably be pretty hard to have one, as theres like 5 non legendary dragon lines in the first 3 gens, and only dratini and bagon stated as dragon, the other three evolve into dragon, maybe they're be raids then
I can't see there's ever going to be an outright Dragon event, but we'll probably see Community days for some of them, Bagon being the most likely.
Some will probably benefit indirectly, like we had the windy-weather egg event a couple of months ago. Can see a water type event again where Horsea will be more common (though Dragon Scales will be a limiting factor) and a Ground event that will produce Trapinch.