96% Phanpy ! Evolve or wait ?
I like Donphan...think hes a pretty cool pokemon.
I don't think hes bad or anything...but also wish he was alittle more relevant. (kinda feels like i have one shot at just a single moveset combo or else its kinda a wasted pokemon)
So I cant decide what to do about this good one I just hatched, 96% IVs.
(and no, I dont really know what I would be waiting for obviously)
...but who knows, tempted to wait for the gym rework perhaps or maybe till they add some new moves to his pool, such as a stab quick move.
I already have a Donphan btw, 89% with Tackle and Earthquake. 1700cp, Not powered it up since I evolved.
What do you guys think ?
about evolving this now or not...his movesets and his usefulness in general ?
hes rated a massive 9/10 on here, whats the actual reason for this ?
I evolved a few in the beginning....they aren't bad mons. However in a competitive gym scene like mine they aren't hanging around long. And it doesn't make it far enough up my available attackers group to get used. I dunno. I mean sure, evolve him. Power him up? Depends on what you see in gyms I guess.
*2396 was actually caught in the wild. Easily one of my best catches.