
96% Phanpy ! Evolve or wait ?

I like Donphan...think hes a pretty cool pokemon.

I don't think hes bad or anything...but also wish he was alittle more relevant. (kinda feels like i have one shot at just a single moveset combo or else its kinda a wasted pokemon)

So I cant decide what to do about this good one I just hatched, 96% IVs.

(and no, I dont really know what I would be waiting for obviously)

...but who knows, tempted to wait for the gym rework perhaps or maybe till they add some new moves to his pool, such as a stab quick move.

I already have a Donphan btw, 89% with Tackle and Earthquake. 1700cp, Not powered it up since I evolved.

What do you guys think ?
about evolving this now or not...his movesets and his usefulness in general ?
hes rated a massive 9/10 on here, whats the actual reason for this ?


Asked by SNE4K7 years 10 months ago


I believe Phanpy is a common hatch so evolve it, your chances of getting another good one will only go down when later generations get add to the eggs or they reshuffle egg hatches.


Evolve it. I got hatched a Phanpy with 97% IVs and evolved it to Donphan with Counter/Earthquake - already proven to be worth it when I come up against Snorlax or Blissey


I evolved 2 and got tackle + heavy slam x2, transfered both.

But then i got wild catch 1900cp 75% IV (15 att) with counter + play rough and im happy now.

Maybe i some day power it up, not sure yet, but definatly keeping it.


by JHVS 7 years 10 months ago

I evolved a few in the beginning....they aren't bad mons. However in a competitive gym scene like mine they aren't hanging around long. And it doesn't make it far enough up my available attackers group to get used. I dunno. I mean sure, evolve him. Power him up? Depends on what you see in gyms I guess.

*2396 was actually caught in the wild. Easily one of my best catches.


There may be better moves in the future, there may be worse moves, or they may not change. You don't know what Niantic is going to do. Play the game today. If it were me, I would hit "evolve", and not look back.


To answer the other part of your question: Defenders from tier 3.5-4 are good when you have a high-turnover gym, a low-level gym, adding counter diversity (if you can put donphan next to gyarados, for example), or if you can't place above the bottom anyway.
