12 oldest Pokemon you own
Mr. Stinker was caught the fifth of August, which was shortly after I started "playing" but about a month before I started to play more seriously (hometown was not a PoGo town, where I was studying at that time was a great place). That was also the time I caught the Dratini that is now the Dragonite in the picture.
Oldest: Squirtle (Starter) 10/13/2017
Seadra: 10/15/2017
Miltank: (First 10K Egg Hatch) 10/17/2017
Jumpluff: 10/17/2017
Chikorita: 10/18/2017
Steelix (First Onix, Evolved during Halloween event): 10/18/2017
Wobbuffet: 10/19/2017
Umbreon (this is when I learned the naming trick): 10/19/2017
Pineco: 10/19/2017
Flaffy (second 10K Egg hatch): 10/19/2017
Espeon (also from the name trick): 10/19/2017
Polywrath: 10/20/2017
Can't take a screenshot right now. My oldest mon is my starter fully evolved into charizard at level 30 with 10/10/10 iv's.
I powered him up all the way to level 30 despite bad iv's, not much practical use, non meta relevant type, much stronger fire attackers etc... Because I had no idea of the value of stardust back then and I just wanted to feel that same love toward my starter that you feel in the main series where you get him at lowest level and train him all the way to high level like it's your best friend. This just doesn't work at all with how pogo should be played optimally.
That Nidoqueen used to be one of my best mons back in the day, it was goddamn beast gym attacker and was my priority stardust investment for a long time before the grand CP shuffle.
That Lapras was my first 100% pokemon and it holds a special place in my heart because it happened to hatch at the same time someone in my family passed away, so it's very symbolic to me besides now being a double-legacy, dragon curbstomper.
Oldest: 8/12/16
12th oldest: 10/11/16
(in D/M/Y format)
Alakzam: December 17th 2016 (wild encounter, has the legacy move Dazzling Gleam)
Christmas Pikachu: December 20th 2016 (has the legacy move Thunder)
Christmas Raichu: Christmas Day 2016
Blissey: December 28th 2016 (Chansey hatch with very good IVs)
Rhydon: January 12th 2017 (not something special)
Butterfree: January 12th 2017
Jolteon: January 21st 2017
Gengar: February 2nd 2017 (has 4 Defense IVs, 1 HP IV but 15 Attack IV, but this is not the reason I keep it, I keep it for emotional reasons)
Hypno: February 2nd 2017 (has the legacy move Shadow Ball)
Aerodactyl: February 4th 2017 (hatch with not-so-good IVs)
Perfect Omastar: February 5th 2017
Note: I caught my starter at December 16th 2016, but I transfered it like many other Pokemon older than these.