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Now that GamePress has a large dataset to work with, we can finally address some of the questions that long lingered on our minds. Our question today is:
Do Pokemon get some movesets more often than others?
To answer this, we sifted through our catch attempt database once again and sorted each Pokemon by their movesets. We plotted the starting movesets of all species of Pokemon that were encountered at least 100 times (see below) to visualize our data. We also ran a chi-square test for every sighted Pokemon, to check for any statistically significant deviations in their moveset distributions.
Our analysis suggests that all possible movesets are equally likely for wild pokemon.
Pokemon Moveset Distribution
These are pie charts of every Pokemon that was encountered at least 100 times:
Pokemon GO Moveset Distribution
Chi-Square Test
Our hypothesis was that for each Pokemon, all of their non-legacy movesets are equally likely to occur.
To check for statistical significance, we ran a chi-square test for every sighted Pokemon. This test looks at the the amount of times a moveset occurred in our sample and checks if that amount is statistically unlikely.
# | Pokemon | Encounters | p-value |
1 | Bulbasaur | 305 | 0.295213 |
2 | Ivysaur | 1 | 0.525678 |
4 | Charmander | 106 | 0.576888 |
5 | Charmeleon | 70 | 0.210231 |
6 | Charizard | 16 | 0.623388 |
7 | Squirtle | 859 | 0.037688 |
10 | Caterpie | 107 | 0.208842 |
11 | Metapod | 2 | 1.000000 |
12 | Butterfree | 3 | 0.913070 |
13 | Weedle | 139 | 0.552691 |
14 | Kakuna | 11 | 0.131668 |
16 | Pidgey | 4299 | 0.320530 |
17 | Pidgeotto | 29 | 0.154345 |
18 | Pidgeot | 6 | 0.849145 |
19 | Rattata | 101 | 0.941217 |
20 | Raticate | 1 | 0.525678 |
21 | Spearow | 107 | 0.688460 |
23 | Ekans | 53 | 0.073647 |
25 | Pikachu | 604 | 0.537089 |
26 | Raichu | 25 | 0.543671 |
27 | Sandshrew | 393 | 0.339479 |
28 | Sandslash | 7 | 0.938802 |
29 | Nidoran ♀ | 561 | 0.901379 |
30 | Nidorina | 368 | 0.869775 |
31 | Nidoqueen | 39 | 0.362182 |
32 | Nidoran ♂ | 1039 | 0.101412 |
33 | Nidorino | 363 | 0.335390 |
34 | Nidoking | 46 | 0.289662 |
35 | Clefairy | 744 | 0.695012 |
36 | Clefable | 153 | 0.042158 |
37 | Vulpix | 2 | 0.751212 |
39 | Jigglypuff | 177 | 0.273109 |
40 | Wigglytuff | 124 | 0.503966 |
41 | Zubat | 205 | 0.582874 |
43 | Oddish | 37 | 0.201303 |
44 | Gloom | 4 | 0.699986 |
46 | Paras | 511 | 0.542394 |
47 | Parasect | 206 | 0.396072 |
48 | Venonat | 624 | 0.889867 |
49 | Venomoth | 309 | 0.316750 |
50 | Diglett | 122 | 0.622148 |
51 | Dugtrio | 166 | 0.210969 |
52 | Meowth | 14 | 0.921163 |
54 | Psyduck | 2275 | 0.943904 |
55 | Golduck | 4 | 0.984748 |
56 | Mankey | 1 | 0.525678 |
58 | Growlithe | 196 | 0.134144 |
59 | Arcanine | 228 | 0.055718 |
60 | Poliwag | 891 | 0.825878 |
61 | Poliwhirl | 450 | 0.767433 |
62 | Poliwrath | 83 | 0.108107 |
63 | Abra | 128 | 0.681941 |
64 | Kadabra | 121 | 0.831740 |
65 | Alakazam | 14 | 0.335020 |
66 | Machop | 153 | 0.812867 |
67 | Machoke | 8 | 0.751212 |
68 | Machamp | 22 | 0.849145 |
69 | Bellsprout | 473 | 0.742268 |
70 | Weepinbell | 316 | 0.643587 |
71 | Victreebel | 40 | 0.578555 |
72 | Tentacool | 183 | 0.090984 |
73 | Tentacruel | 5 | 0.653842 |
74 | Geodude | 250 | 0.224839 |
75 | Graveler | 12 | 0.849145 |
76 | Golem | 31 | 0.601546 |
77 | Ponyta | 3 | 0.913070 |
79 | Slowpoke | 353 | 0.777135 |
80 | Slowbro | 183 | 0.570848 |
81 | Magnemite | 383 | 0.065062 |
82 | Magneton | 448 | 0.017979 |
84 | Doduo | 3 | 0.913070 |
85 | Dodrio | 3 | 0.913070 |
86 | Seel | 4 | 0.699986 |
88 | Grimer | 721 | 0.570975 |
89 | Muk | 18 | 0.376568 |
90 | Shellder | 159 | 0.877053 |
91 | Cloyster | 49 | 0.189332 |
92 | Gastly | 198 | 0.188970 |
93 | Haunter | 479 | 0.967458 |
94 | Gengar | 19 | 0.636700 |
95 | Onix | 1 | 0.525678 |
96 | Drowzee | 4 | 0.699986 |
98 | Krabby | 529 | 0.650573 |
102 | Exeggcute | 200 | 0.318224 |
103 | Exeggutor | 307 | 0.025745 |
104 | Cubone | 108 | 0.581833 |
105 | Marowak | 59 | 0.220640 |
108 | Lickitung | 3 | 0.415880 |
109 | Koffing | 6 | 0.606531 |
111 | Rhyhorn | 6 | 0.962566 |
114 | Tangela | 120 | 0.102797 |
116 | Horsea | 467 | 0.503273 |
117 | Seadra | 1 | 0.525678 |
118 | Goldeen | 76 | 0.104939 |
119 | Seaking | 7 | 0.026966 |
120 | Staryu | 884 | 0.575093 |
121 | Starmie | 170 | 0.676420 |
126 | Magmar | 1 | 0.525678 |
127 | Pinsir | 14 | 0.677972 |
128 | Tauros | 24 | 0.549416 |
129 | Magikarp | 3471 | 1.000000 |
131 | Lapras | 62 | 0.954389 |
133 | Eevee | 1119 | 0.994249 |
134 | Vaporeon | 325 | 0.552199 |
136 | Flareon | 1 | 0.513417 |
137 | Porygon | 1 | 0.525678 |
138 | Omanyte | 432 | 0.780673 |
139 | Omastar | 20 | 0.269219 |
140 | Kabuto | 525 | 0.111831 |
141 | Kabutops | 23 | 0.426585 |
143 | Snorlax | 404 | 0.946950 |
147 | Dratini | 764 | 0.934202 |
148 | Dragonair | 372 | 0.844209 |
149 | Dragonite | 82 | 0.741265 |
The vast majority of the dataset has a p-value above 0.05, which is not statistically significant to reject our hypothesis. While there are five cases with p < 0.05, this is to be expected when running > 100 independent tests. In addition, it is highly unlikely that Niantic would choose five seemingly arbitrary Pokemon to have non-uniform movesets. Considering this and our large sample size for many different species, we believe that for each species of Pokemon, movesets are equally distributed.