
Why Blissey cannot and won't be nerfed.

I've been thinking and came to the conclusion that there's a reason (or a number of reasons) why Blissey's CP is that high, making her such a monster.

It is a challenge to beat her solo BUT Niantic always intended the game to be a collective type of fun so you just have to gather a group of pokefriends and you're good to go with Blissey. It's definitely good that finally it's not that easy to beat any gym with any set of medium strong pokemon. That's good :) Blissey is impossible to prestige on SO her cp has to be this high in order to place her rather on top of gyms than on the bottom.

3a. They could either nerf her a little bit, slightly lower stats and the CP and everyone would put her in the gyms anyway but on the bottom = blocking the gyms from prestiging up ;/

OR, they could nerf her big time making her basically useless = all the fun with Blissey is over and we don't want that, do we?

In conclusion, she won't be nerfed :) what do you think?

Asked by DarwinHMS7 years 7 months ago


I'm glad we finally have a tough mon. It's refreshing to see difficulty in gyms. Players scrambling to find the best counter, working together, et cetera. I wish we had more heavy hitters along with her.

Since pogo doesn't have a real "end game" the gyms can be the end game. Now if I could just find some machops..


Exactly! For the first time, battling gyms is challenging and that's a good thing imo. Before Blissey, any trainer above level 25 with enough resources and time could easily take out any gym, which made the whole concept of "defenders" pretty pointless. I feel like people will complain no matter what.

Having said that, I still don't have a Blissey :(


Good luck on your blissey search, hopefully you get one soon. Will it get nerfed? Who knows, but it's fun right now. I'm actually surprised they released blissey as is, props to niantic. Instead of throwing nerfs at tough mons, implementing the "one species per gym" rule would stifle a lot of blissey complaints.

With the addition of new mons and the new battle difficulty it would be a good time to force variety.


Thanks, it's more of a Chansey walk than a Blissey search though! lol

And single type gyms could be interesting, but I'm still convinced that the best strategy would be making the order of the mons not based on CP but time - as in, who placed his mon first stays first. That would allow the great defenders with lower CP to really shine, it'd really reward the trainer who claimed the gym in the first place, and it'd encourage prestiging since that would guarantee you a higher spot.


by Sebhes 7 years 7 months ago

I'm especially happy with point 2. Having a challange makes it more interesting.


by Arak2 7 years 7 months ago

I dont forsee Blissey being Nerfed.

she is beatable by a same level or slightly lower level pokemon of various types.

She is prestigable though, it's ugly. 2 Flareons for example just a little lower in CP than Blissey will beat her. (Other pokemon will work, Flareon is just something by now I expect people to have 10+ of at various CPs)


lol ru a heavy Blissey investor lol? Unless they want low level trainers to quit I don't see anyway she's not nerfed. For level 30+ trainers she's annoying but beatable. Her HP will take a substantial hit or her CP will lol. Have fun investing in her like Lapras owners and wasting a ton of dust :).


There was a time when seeing a Lapras in a gym would scare me off from even attempting it. I didn't quit, though and got to a level where I could deal with Lapras.


Lapras was beatable by low level trainers Blissey is not there lies the difference and why a nerf is inevitable. Some people point to a high level Snorlax, but however you guys prestiged against one is how a low level trainer beat one. lol I mean you can invest heavily into multiple Blisseys just don't be disappointed in a week or two when updates roll out.


Here's the problem with the logic. What are people going to do when it is a level 10 gym with 10 Blissey? At that point playing is useless. And what are you supposed to do if you are say Valor in an area with no other players?? You get the shaft. I agree with a lot of the points, but I feel like it was still short sighted


Incorrect - you can't prestige on Blissey so it won't get to that situation except in extreme cases.


And even then a group of 10 Blissey won't be able to stop 3+ good trainers attacking together.


Blissey's CP is high enough that you prestige her, the same way you take her down.


Blissey's CP is high enough that you prestige her, the same way you take her down.


by FLEEVY 7 years 7 months ago

I totally agree with this.


I have actually prestiged easily against Blissey.

The key is you need some of the new mons to do it and Machamp is the best counter...Gengar would work too since he isn't insanely high CP.

Also, I hope she isn't nerfed because even my level 25 Machamp with non-optimal stats/movesets can prestige against one simply because Machamp has lower CP in general (more prestige) and it's not that bad I think...

One thing to consider is yes, you WILL pretty much get knocked out and you may also need to use 2 mons, but overall, it's not as impossible as people make it out to be I don't think.

It's actually fun and refreshing to have to dodge when in the old system, I would pretty much steamroll over anything to waste less time.

Trying to find counters/research and use new mons (Ursuring can beat Blissey too) etc etc etc...makes the game more fun/enjoyable I feel and since Blissey IS beatable, I really don't think there's a thing that needs to be done...I see plenty of Blisseys knocked out of gyms I can see here so it's certainly possible.

Yes, you probably won't get 1000 prestige, but 500 at low gym levels and 1000+ for the mons after Blissey should be very very doable.


Blissey having a high max CP doesn't prevent anyone from putting in lower level Blisseys at the bottom of gyms, so that part of your logic doesn't work. Just as people have 1000 CP Dragonites (or much lower, for that matter), there will be plenty of lower CP Blisseys around.


Exeggutor with ZH/SoB with just slightly lower CP is a great prestiger against Blissey. Just ensure that you dodge the charge move, especially Hyper Beam.

I actually find the gym to be interesting again with Blissey. Finally, a challenge that trainers need to work a little to fight. Also agree that this alone will help promoting more team effort rather than solo.

And yesterday there was an all Blissey level 10 gym here in Bangkok so yes, it is possible.


More because it's a level 10...less because it's Blissey IMO...The mons I have in gyms have been in some for weeks and it's more because not many people bother attacking due to low rewards and time needed...If it's torn down, it's back to level 7 usually before noon the next day, back to 10 by evening...

I don't bother much attacking rival level 10s because I just don't have the time and they will get rebuilt within a day to level 10 normally.

Rewards, like before is non-existant and unless I am standing in line or waiting for something next to a rival gym, I just don't bother honestly.

(I'm also old and have a family/kids so don't got time for dat)...

Also, as people level higher and higher, there are actually very few gym spots available for stagnant gyms so those get seeked out quickly if a free spot is there.


The team who built that gym proudly showed it off to the local community. That actually kind of sending an open invitation to anyone who would like to test their fighting skill. The gym lasted only a few hours. If I was in the area, I will surely rush to join the attack ^ ^

Almost any gym will be attacked here in Bangkok, regardless of level or what Pokémon are in there.


by YodaJi 7 years 7 months ago

Rather than seeing them nerf Blissey I would more likely see them buffing one or more counters in the future. That way a motivated player could catch and power some.
