
Draco Meteor Palkia trio?

Post-Boss Buff have many here done it? Assume best friends needed and many parties of Outrage and Dragon Claw dragons, was anything else viable/useful (maybe to help stagger lobby visits). Had fog this morning which is not a helpful factor, plenty of cloudy opportunities upcoming, seems worth trying with more fairies included

Asked by devshaw6 years ago


It's not impossible without friend bonus, just very difficult.

I've done DM trio with best friends twice post-buff, once in cloudy, once without any boosts. The basic team you want is 6 maxed OR/DC dragons and a relatively fast phone for max reviving. Boosted faeries have viable DPS, so in cloudy we had one person use a full fairy team and they didn't have to rejoin at all.

Even without cloudy we put a fairy anchor into one team so they would naturally last longer and make sure we don't accidentally all relobby at the same time, which felt helpful. If the RNG is rough your Rays/Dragonites will just barely fire their first Outrages, they literally die like flies.


How difficult to trio a non-dracometer one? Possible with 2 teams of good dragons and one weaker person with a mix of level 25-30 dragons and fairies?


For Non-DM, leave the fairies at home, their DPS is pretty low. Palkia itself is the tankiest strong counter, Rayquaza the DPS winner, and Dragonite falls between and a bit below those two. Palkia's one bar move is challenging to work with, but it has the same double resistance to Hydro Pump and Fire Blast that the Fairies have to Dragon moves. (Of course, it's still weak to the fast moves, both of which are good.)

Trio should be easy for a strong team with level 30-35 dragons. Below that, I'm unsure where the line falls.


Non-DM trio is significantly easier. If you're lucky enough to experience windy or rainy weather boosts, L25 Palkia is already a viable trio option assuming best friends.


The fairies hurt your Dps a bit but depending on friendship lv and the weather definitely sounds like a respectable squad


I have 5 maxed Dragonite, 1 max Rayquaza, one level 39 Rayquaza, 1 max Salamence, 1 level 39 Latios...2 level 35 Rayquaza, some other filler Dragonite. Problem is there is no “carrying” a Dracometeor Palkia raid, you need best friends that are really good, plus some luck bc DM pulverizes every dragon, max or level 30


Yup, been there. Half of my dragon lineup is saddled with Draco Meteor, of which I'm lucky if any of them get it fired off against DM Palkia.

The >inb4 was a joke about how a few days ago someone was saying it's unrealistic to expect someone to have 6 maxed dragons. 6 maxed Rayquaza is highly unlikely, but 6 dragons in general is very do-able. I believe this lunar event is the 3rd event we've had where Dratini was one of the focused Pokemon.


I had many, many problems battling Latias and Latios with dragon moves. Losing so many times trained me to check the moves first (and build “redundant” dragons). I didn’t raid yesterday (encountered two DM Palkia), so when the one this morning turned DM, I tried to do it instead of walking to save passes+time. Tried with 40, 39, 35 and a guy at park (level 27) that had level 20 Mawiles and a level 20 Scizor. Tried twice and got well into red but seemed 10 sec short of winning. Wanting to try the true trio when I see the better Bfriend players in my neighborhood.


Did a few trio’s with 3 being best friends and few at ultra against everything except Draco we all had six maxed Dragonite leading off and a mix mash of Alolan Exeggutor Salamence Latios and Palkia all at different levels, a couple of the Salamence where maxed as well, win time was pretty comfortable everytime .... But only losers have a teams of maxed dragons because everyone knows it doesn’t really matter what you raid with anyway, and only show offs max out Pokémon so forget what I said....


Just trioed two Palkia yesterday, one had Fire Blast in Cloudy, the other had DM in Windy. My wife and I both are at lv 40, with one team of maxed Dragonites, Gardevoir and Togekiss and another team filled with half-way Dragonites, Gyorados. My alt is only at lv 33, with 4 Dragons (3 nites 1 palkia) barely hit the trio floor.

To trio, I have to sink my alt with a ZH/DG Blissey and P/MB Clefable. They both fight well in cloudy. The interesting thing is that in Windy weather, DM trio is easier. As DM is always OHKO to any dragons no matter what weather it is, our dragons gain more energy in Windy as the boss hits harder. Therefore, usually each Dragonite/Palkia can fire 2 OR or 1 DM with boosted damage, yet in normal weather most of the time they can only fire 1 OR and no DM, which means heavy loss.


Fascinating observation about the weather boost making it easier. I assume a similar mindset is why fighting Palkia with DT/DM is slightly easier than DB/DM, the extra damage received from DT builds energy faster.


Exactly. There's one time we failed with even 4 players in Cloudy weather. Each of our dragons fainted right after the 2nd OR is devastating.
